One Year and Forgotten Name

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Yuu pov

"Would you quit it?" I snap at Control. She was staring off into space and twiddling her thumbs not helping me at all. A year had passed since we had met. I'm not sure if it was actually a year because that was what Control told me.

"Quit what Yuu-cchi?" she sniffed the air. Burnt flesh. 

"Did you really have to be so mean to them?" she asks turning to me and looking at the severed arm in my hand. I drop it letting it thud to sand. We were currently in Hawaii and were taking abilities. The only issue was my behavior problem as Control put it. 

"You could've stopped me if you wanted me to do it a different way," I scoff yet again trying to take Control's ability. She just rolled her eyes and sent me back into my own body. 

"I mean you have the ability to control my every thought." I say. She nods and walks to the dead body of a teenage girl who had the ability to freeze fire. 

"You didn't have to fight her. You could've just taken the ability like you used to," her voice was sad sounding like I had used to be something else. Someone else. 

"It's not fun that way," I chuckle walking over to the body and kicking it into the water. Blood was splattered on the girls face. I grimace and look at my shoe. 

"I need to get these polished." I mutter. 

"A killer doesn't deserve that," Control says taking me by the collar and shoving herself closer to me. 

"What the hell?" I scream at her.  Control has never picked a fight with me. I was the one who had tried to take her ability and she had simple retaliated. She had never started the fight, that was my job. 

"You don't just go around killing people! If you want to fight someone fight with me. I can take it, I'm the only person in the world who could fight you fairly!" She was screaming at me. Her e/c had narrowed to small slits but even with the bit of eye that was visible it seemed as though she was glaring the worst glare in the world. Her lip had curled into a tight frown and her grip on my collar only tightened. I try to yank away but she holds the shirt so tightly that the shirt rips. 

"Let go Control," I say throwing my hand at her face. Instead of it colliding with her face my hand is redirected to the right. 

"Stop that Control!" I bark at her.

"Sure I'll stop only when you stop being insane!" She shouts and pushes me off my feet and into the sand. I sputter nonsense at her as she forces my hand to slap my face. I look at her retreating figure. She's leaving me.

The white haired girl left me. 

Or did I leave her?

"Wait Control don't leave me!" I shout to her. She stops running for a moment. Her head turns to me.

"Get a grip Yuu-cchi." and with that Control is gone. 


It's a week before I find Control in a restaurant eating a nice meal. I narrow my eyes and kick the restaurants door down getting to Control faster. I need get a grip. I need Control. 

"Control!" I rush to her while waiters and waitresses start to scream at me and some lunge at me. I've brought chaos to this place. It was peaceful before wasn't it. 

What does it mean to be peaceful?

"Actually I'd prefer you call me by my real name." Control starts to say standing up. I stop moving and wait for the girl to continue. 

"My name is y/n," she says. 

"y/n?" I whisper the name and it rolls off my tongue perfectly. I like the name...

"You don't remember do you Yuu." I look at Control. 

"Remember what?" I question. Was I supposed to remember something? I've forgotten something important...

"Nothing, well you've found me and we don't want to cause a bigger scene so let's get going my dear sweet Yuu-cchi," Control says. I nod and follow her out the restaurant knowing very well that it wasn't my own will that made me walk out of there. Control was making me do it. When we were are a safe distance away from the restaurant Control stops walking and so do I. 

"We've spent too much time here, let's get going." She takes my hand and squeezes it lightly. I say nothing still trying to remember what I had forgotten. 

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