Two Years and Back Home?

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Yuu pov

Almost two years has passed since I started my mission to take everyone abilities away. I had taken all the abilities except my own and y/n's. We  both knew that I'd have to take it away from her. 

"You need some food Yuu-cchi," she said patting my back handing me a bowl of hot soup. I take the soup and begin to shovel the warm soup into my mouth taking large gulps. She laughed a bit and sat across from me at a park bench. 

"Want some?" I offer her the bowl but she declines. 

"Not really that hungry right now," she says but her stomach betrays her with a growl. 

"Come on y/n, you need to eat," I tell her giving her the bowl. Reluctantly she takes the food and begins slurping the soup. 

"So, I'll be taking your ability today..." I trail my voice off when I hear y/n choking on the soup. She sputters and spits the soup out to the side. I stare at her eyes wide. 

"Are you alright?" I ask taking the bowl from her and setting it aside. She shakes her head. 

"If you take my ability you'll be taken back to Japan where you were born right?" she asks me. I nod my head and she lowers hers. 

"I don't want you to leave me," she whispers. 

"I know that's why you can come back with me," I smile at her. She looks up and stares me in the eyes. 

"Even without an ability?" she asks. I nod and she begins to smile causing me to smile even more. 

We finish the bowl of soup quickly and get the last bit of the desert areas abilities. I turn to y/n and take a deep breath. 

"Let me take your ability," I half whisper to y/n. She nods and we both go silent. 

"On three?" she stutters. There is something in her voice. Something I never want in her voice. Fear. Because she's going to let me into her and take something away from her that she used for many years now. 

"One, Two," I stop and breath out. 

"Three," I say and in a swift movement take her ability away. I can tell she wants to block me out but she resists and soon she's no longer able to use her ability. We open our eyes and stare at each other. A minute later the wind starts to get really bad and the two of us look up to see a helicopter above up. 

"Yuu!" a familiar voice that I knew a long time ago called to me. A man with gray hair was yelling and suddenly a flash of memories went through me but after that everything went black. 


When I woke up I was sitting in what seemed to be a hospital room. I sat up and began to widely stare around the room. To my right was two large windows that over looked beautiful grass and a pond not too far away. The door opened to reveal a white haired girl with blue eyes she was accompanied with a yellow haired girl and a boy with glasses. They stood next to my hospital bed and smiled widely. 

"Welcome back Yuu," the white haired girl said. 

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I ask staring at the girl and the other two. Their faces fell and it was obvious that they were from my passed. A passed that I didn't remember. The room was quiet for a moment but the silence soon turned to shouting when I realized I hadn't seen y/n. 

"where is she!?" I demand reaching at nothing in particular. 

"Who?" the blonde/yellow haired girl questioned. My eyes widen in horror. 

"She has e/c and h/c her skin color is [skin tone] and she's, she's beautiful." I say voice rising. The boy with the glasses bit his lip and stepped forwards bowing his head a little. 

"She's still in the desert. We only brought you back." I barely let the glasses boy finish his sentence before I get out of bed and rush to the door trying to leave but in my panic I struggle to open the door and the three are able to restrain me and put me back on the bed. I'm panting and my heart rate seems to be going  double what it should be. 

"I'm sorry, I guess the girl was important to you," the white haired girl said reaching her hand out to sooth me. I just whack it away and a choked sob escapes my throat. 

"What do you mean you're sorry!?" I shout at her biting at the air. She steps away from me and so do the other two.

"Out of all the things in the entire world to take from me. You take her," I pause trying to think of the words to say what I want to. 

"You took my best friend, my girlfriend." my voice drops to a whisper and I mutter the last part. 

"You took my y/n."

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