It's A Wonderful Afterlife: Chapter 19- Phantom of Heart

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It's A Wonderful Afterlife: Chapter 19- Phantom of Heart
Lieutenant Python

As the days passed the Lieutenant was slowly recovering from his new upgrades, he could remember little of the procedure and what occurred after he passed out.
Although the extra attention from Overlord Pentious was otherworldly and it felt familiar somehow, he was rather enjoying this new arrangement. The hunger they both craved at the moment but he dare not venture further into an intimate situation. Just like clockwork, the morning after Pentious would not stay long in the bed to cuddle and this morning when he asked for one, did puzzle the Lieutenant.

Readying himself into his uniform, Monty was feeling so much better with his new upgrades but something felt off? He was not having any symptoms such as headaches, dizzy spells or pains, so what was this uneasy feeling?
Making his way down to the courtyard in the elevator, Monty sees his reflection in the elevator glass to his right using his good eye.

"Look at aren't even a man anymore..."

"Huh? Who is saying that?" Lieutenant looked around the elevator as it descended the tower. "Show yourself phantom!"

"I am right here...Lieutenant."

The Lieutenant looked to his right where he once glanced at his reflection but it did not look like him. It was but no cyberware or anything.

"You know this is wrong. You can feel it too! Please don't forget who you once were?!"

"What the devil are you talking about you're nothing more than my mind playing tricks..." he folds his arms and glares at the reflection.

"You know who you are?! You are Monty Python! The Pentagram Arena's greatest fighter and champion!"

"What a load of make-believe crap...there is no such thing as the 'Irish Python'. I am Lieutenant Montgomery Python and I have aided Sir Pentious in his rise to lordship since the beginning. I am his most loyal subject and he took me in when I was a nobody..."

"That is far from the truth and you KNOW IT!" Monty yelled in the glass. "You have known Penny longer than that...I can assure you of that."

The Lieutenant was perplexed that this affirmation knew of a personal nickname of his Lordship. "How do you know that nickname?"
"WE know that nickname! Y- I mean I was you! I AM YOU! We called him Penny because he is our lucky penny!"
Suddenly the Lieutenant slammed the halt button and snarled at his reflection.

"Look boyo you know it and I know it all of this is fuckin WRONG! We love Penny...his majesty. You know there is something off about this upgrade...I am here for feck sake."

"You may have a point...I have never had visions of you before?" Lieutenant Python folded his arms glaring at this reflection. "Why should I trust you? If I'm having problems with my cyberware I should go back to Pentious to have them checked over."

"NO! No d-don't do that...! Penny...I love him but he has lost all sense of sanity now. He may have loved us...or still does but he only did this to me to take my Overlord title."
Shocked by this statement the Lieutenant raised his brow at the python, "I am not an Overlord don't be ridiculous."
"Yes, you are...or were...Penny stole it from you by finding another way to take it without erasing us." Monty was saddened by the result of his ex-lover going so far to gain his Overlord title.
"Oh really? Pray to tell how did 'we' end up in this predicament?"

The once-great Irish Python the apparition of the reflection emerged like a phantom from the glass. Glowing in a holy blue he approached his body.
The Lieutenant was wide-eyed and backed into the corner of the elevator and frantically reached for the elevator power button.
With a hum and a jump of the elevator moving downward the Lieutenant looked back and the phantom had vanished.
Sighing in relief the blue Python was now more relaxed and fiddled with his cyber eye thinking it was acting up.
Holding on to the bar in the elevator to support himself the blue snake was very confuzzled by that experience. Was that him? Who was the Irish Python?

After being out of commission for over a week the Lieutenant did not want to be benched anymore he wanted to get out there and capture this imposter for his Lord. Despite the glorious sex that has concurred over the last week, it did still feel like a dream.
What had changed Sir Pentious's mind so rapidly? Did something happen during the procedure?
No matter he can restore his honour for his master with ease by capturing the rebels and that imposter.

Firstly he must ready the castle guards for their new patrol as the Gala was tomorrow and he wanted everything to be ready to spring on anyone uninvited.
The fact the imposter wanted to see Overlord Pentious made the Lieutenant very uneasy. Why did this fake Arackniss want to see him and why did it make Monty incredibly jealous? As if this was familiar jealousy but he had never met this Arackniss before.

"Aye you have another life..."

There it was again that voice but there was no was just ringing in the back of his mind.

"Ignore me all you want, you can feel it! Something off and I don't know if this is my soul in survival mode but do NOT get anymore upgrades! Do not tell Penny about will never know the truth about what really happened..."

"The truth?" Lieutenant Python mutters to himself, "what truth?"
"Wow? Are you that dense? The truth about what really happened to us...ask Penny after your duties...but let that imposter's important to save Penny..."

That echoey Irish accent of the phantom disappeared and the tension melted off the Lieutenant's shoulders as one of the guards asked if he was alright.
"Yes I am fine, you moron! Now do a perimeter check of the grounds and double the security for the Gala tomorrow...we may have an uninvited guest I am dying to meet..."

The Lieutenant continued his duties but was still haunted by the phantom of his mind...what was the truth?

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