Matthew Espinosa

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"Hun, you've been all the weekend in your room, go and get some air" my mom told me.

My boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend and that hurt me.

My mom forced me to go outside,so I dressed in a white tank top and blue skinny jeans and I went.

When I stepped outside the sun was shining and some clouds were painting the sky with cotton white.

I walked through the streets and when I got tired I sat on a bench in a park.

Kids were running and playing, they were so lucky, the only thing they had to worry about in life was playing, eat and sleep. I wish I could go back in time. A silent tear fell from my eye but I quickly wiped it off my face.

My mind brought me memories of my childhood and finally when I was with my fucking boyfriend. 'Ex-boyfriend' I had to remember.

I realized that I was crying to late because I couldn't stop, I asked myself why I was so stupid and more tears fell to my cheeks. I covered mi face with my hand so people couldn't see me crying.

"Are you okay?"a male and soft voice said.

I raised my head and saw a blond guy with beautiful chocolate brown eyes looking at me.

"Yes." I answer without looking at him.

It was hard to believe me, specially because I was sobbing and I probably had red eyes.

"I don't think so" he said handing me a tissue while he sat next to me.

"Do you need to talk with someone?" he asked me.

I looked at him for the second time, with the sun right is his eyes the brown turned more brighter, his hair, seemed like gold and he was with a soft and sweet smile in his face staring back at me.

It took me half an hour to tell him what bothered me and after that he invited me for an ice cream.

His name was Matthew and he just moved here, he was sweet and caring. We walked and talk till night and when the cold breeze of the night made me shiver he wrapped me with his jacket and I smiled.

"See?" he suddenly said.

"What?" I answer a bit confused.

"When you smile you are even more beautiful" he said grinning.

I blushed.

If I'm honest I want to continue this imagine 'cause I like it so tell if I should do it apart and continue. xoxo

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