Thirty Nine - Pearl

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Laying on Cassius's sofa, I turned to my side

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Laying on Cassius's sofa, I turned to my side. As each day passed, it was only his scent here in this room that kept me grounded and stopped me from going out of my fucking mind.

Sadly, it did nothing to ease the nightmares every time I slipped into the veil of darkness. Each one was the same. Cassius reaching out for me, eyes wild, body fraught with tension, begging me to save him, and every time I failed him.

The sobbing and crushing weight on my chest that followed on waking had thankfully not drawn any more attention to me.

I swiped my hand across my face and yawned, wondering what time it was. Not that the time really mattered. Every hour was as empty as the next and eating barely registered on my things to do.

There had been some good news. Sylar had shifted back and seemed relatively okay, although I feared the haunted glaze embedded in his eyes would take longer to shift. I hoped Sage and Misha would help him get over the ordeal.

Shifting my position, I lay flat, staring at the ceiling, hoping today would bring me some news. "Cassius, come back to me," I whispered into the empty space.

A light tap on the door had my head turning. Creaking open, a familiar face peeped inside.

"You're awake!" said Sage, widening the door she stepped inside. In one hand, she held a mug with a plate balanced on top. She'd been forcing me to eat since arriving.

I sat up and pushed my legs from the sofa, stretching and yawning. "Ah-hu."

"You sleep, oui?" She frowned, looking at Cass's beat up old sofa. "You should sleep in a bed, Pearl. This old thing can't be good for you."

"It's comfier than it looks." I pointed to her hand. "Is that for me?"

She placed a plate of egg and toast on my knee, a favourite when we were kids. The mug of coffee she placed on the floor next to my feet.

"Sorry it's not Jaffa cakes, but this is healthier, and you need to gain some weight. Lifting my chin with her finger. "You need to look after yourself, Pearl. I'm worried about you."

I returned a weak smile, in no mood to disagree.

Sitting beside me. "It needs a woman's touch." Sage glanced over the room.

I bit back a smile. "Cassius needs a woman's touch." I nibbled at a slice of toast. "You'd like him."

Her shoulder bumped into mine. "I'm happy you found your mate, although I'm not happy it means I won't see much of you."

I hadn't thought of that. But this was where Cassius lived, his life, his pack was here in the US and I wanted to be part of it. "I can't believe how much I feel for him." It seemed crazy to be in love, having only known him for such a short amount of time.

Hang love?  It was strange how up until now, I hadn't thought about love.  But the idea of not being with him, left me feeling cold.  It didn't bare thinking about.

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