Seventh Chapter: Blood Deception

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Nothing brought my soul to a state of repose like the dulcifying drug that is music. To be precise, a song about an ancient queen who was once a Gold Dust Woman. And with that, it was a bizarre paralleled coincidence that my mother's past was on my mind just earlier as this song began playing when the two of us entered the small diner. You know... since they share the common theme of drugs and how the intense experience sort of overtakes them and the difficulties of— nevermind.

I ignored the cheesy ass internal monologue talk against my temples and took in the sight of the restaurant. It was a compact modern type spot that had a slight sumptuous compliment to it with a more green aesthetic which bestowed plants and vines across the room. Genevieve was actually the one that had found it and I wasn't too mad at the choice to say the least.

My head nodded unconsciously, I couldn't help but appreciate the atmosphere's ability to appease any and all spirits, living and the departed, that made their way through this place. It was a bit chilly though, so I wrapped the wool jacket tighter over my shoulders as I shifted on my feet to carefully watch as Gen's reservation check-in promptly shifted into a conversation about the young waiter's acrylic nails which Genevieve had adored.

I sighed, I learned to just wait out her casual chats with strangers being that it was a habitual custom which she hated to be interrupted. Those were the only times I budded into her conversations though, because we had places to be, things to do but that didn't stop her from talking her lipstick off.

Genevive was and always will be the life of the party. Driving the adrenaline through the bloodstreams of all people, whether they be full of life or as withdrawn as they come, she kept even the smallest possibility of entertainment alive.

Her heart carried enough delight and charge to begin a conversation with any unknown person or even get a quiet room of disconnected individuals laughing in one breath. So I glanced around the empty room waiting patiently for the exchange to end so we could eat, knowing in my heart the waitress behind the wooden podium was at least comfortable.

All of the tables and booths were available, well, all besides the smallest table centered in the middle of the dining room where an elderly couple finished their servings with their hands interlaced. Their smiles were everlasting, ones that would never decay. They were smiles that couldn't help but betray their hidden love and reveal just how passionate it was to the world around them. It was all a romantic's heart ached for and I couldn't delay my own smile at the sight before me.

Conveniently enough, the couple waved down the woman who stood flushed behind the podium. She bowed her head, shying away from Gen's flirtatious observation and leaning posture. It was easy to see what Gen was putting down as she held the waiter's fingers wholeheartedly "admiring" her nails as she gave the woman's hand a gentle squeeze before letting her go off to help the customers. The look I sent her way had me receiving a scoffed response from Gen but I didn't let up.

"What? She was very pretty okay, I couldn't help myself," she reasoned, trying to justify her overextended dialogue.

"I don't care who you flirt with, you just talk too much and I'm hungry." Her top lip pulled to her nose as the expression on her face grew irked. I felt her hand push my face so I pinched her side and as soon as she went to predictably grip at my hair, I jerked away far enough to miss her hand just by an inch. I laughed pointing at her as she matched my actions, unable to do anything as the waiter came back.

"Is a booth alright," the woman softly asked, and Gen and I agreed in unison. She led us to our tables and we took a seat without any trouble. Soon we were left alone with nothing but some menus and a yellow plastic candle that lit up half of our table.

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