Fifth Chapter: Your Confidant

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"Alright, Dante's Inferno or Pride and Prejudice."

I glanced beside me, catching a glimpse of the two paperbacks Ange gently waved before her. Sneaking another look, I had decided on the one with the royal blue book cover swaddling the creamy pages holding Mr. Darcy and Miss Bennet's love story all tucked between the fingers of Angela's left palm.

It was a simple decision as I did not have the desire to read about Dante's expedition through the depths of hell once again, especially over Pride and Prejudice.

After this week and the time I've shared with Edward, I felt like wallowing in the soft sheets of pleasure in hopes of suffocating from the lust and passion sown within the cotton fabrics. Any chance I had to revel in the realms of love, I would take it. And Pride and Prejudice gave me just that.

To happily wander astray in a world of ardour hearts swelling in synchronization while it rained dopamine, coating them in bitterly sweet and sticky syrup to slow their frenzy of euphoria, I would do it. Just being with him had left a lingering high in my brain, fogging up my motor function while those potent toxins were pumped throughout my body unwillingly... but not unwelcome.

Of course I wasn't in love with him or had ever even experienced that kind of emotion with another being yet, but this passionate feeling I had has driven me to admire not only the aesthetic of love... and lust itself, but the unrelenting power it has over people.

"Uh, Pride and Prejudice. I don't feel like reading Dante's Inferno again," I replied, shifting my eyes back to the pale red shrimp simmering before me, powdered with darkened spices and shades.

My hips had slowly swayed back and forth as the kitchen radio quietly poured the voice of dark oak wood and molasses into our ears. The quiet croon gently drifting into nothingness. Ange had softly muffled the words along with the singer under her breath until the song ended as she buried the books back into my bag.

The day had felt nothing of a Friday. Roaming the congested school grounds besides Ange with eyes jaded all while exhaustion had steadily ate away at my work and social efforts before the irritation had kicked in, just like a Monday.

When the last cry of the school's bells had run through the lonely hallways apprising the students into a wild sweep of awakened teenagers, relief had flooded my chest and I was already a foot out the door. Storming the exits in massive groups, happiness bubbling in the students stomachs before bursting from their mouths in excitement as they greeted and bundled close to their friends under the cold weather. I had done the same when Ange's sweetly intense look met mine.

Her inky eyes reminded me of the forest floor, soiled with Fork's secrets and the blood of the innocent. I snorted at my thoughts. I play too much. I didn't know what was really out there but this town had an eerie mist hovering above it.

When you first enter the mist weighs heavy in your lungs as if it were warning those to turn back, and if you do, the mist dissipates when the welcome sign finds its home behind you as you leave the mysteries of Fork untold. The cold weather just added to the spine-chilling thrill of it all.

As the days passed, I seem to have forgotten how the warmth of the sun had felt. The ill-lit skies had been doused in a dark ink and the clouds had continued to shed their tears, soft and demure. The drizzled shyness of the water was as if the darkened clouds felt sorry for drowning the city in its sorrows once more. Forks couldn't go a day without darkness, reminding me of just how mysterious this town really was. Personally, I loved every second of it.

Angela didn't. It was easy to tell when the sun had made an appearance Wednesday afternoon. By the way her smile couldn't stretch anymore, how quick she was to place herself under the blazing rays of the sun coming through the window when we walked through the halls, or stepping outside whenever she possibly could for a scorching hot embrace was a big hint she loved the sun's warm kisses.

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