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"You're hired

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"You're hired."

Diluc had just officially given Y/N the job of serving drinks at the Tavern. But before he did he asked her numerous times if she really wanted to do it. Only because he knew she was fully against it before and didn't want to give her the job if she was still having second thoughts.

"That was it? No interview? No training?" She asked. Y/N expected something more than just confirmation questions. Back when Kaeya asked her about her occupations, she didn't completely lie. About the waitress job anyway. The jewelry store was made up on the spot. Maybe it was because Liyue restaurants were very high class and they couldn't make a single mistake, but there were a bunch of questions for that.

"Training? It's just serving drinks, which should be pretty easy." He responded. "If you do need help, you know where to find me." He turned his back to reach for a glass but stopped and looked over his shoulder. "Oh, and don't tell the customers this, but I give you my permission to use force if anything goes wrong."

Y/N nodded slowly. Even if Diluc didn't give her the go ahead to use force against the customers who try something she would've done it anyway. "It was already a plan in mind." The door swung open and she turned around. The bar had opened just mere seconds ago and people already came in.

"Great news L/N." Diluc turned with an empty glass in hand. "You start now." He started, and went to help the gentleman who had walked in. From what Y/N had understood she was meant to just bring drinks to the customers. Which had been easy enough.

On top of that she was going to get paid well. Diluc initially did not start with the three hundred mora per hour. However, he did not deny the pay. This was one of the first times he had somebody work for him in the Tavern, so there was no official salary. But she would work six hours a day. That part Y/N decided on her own.

After the man sat down at one of the tables, Diluc fixed his drink. Y/N watched intently, not really knowing what kind of mixing he was doing. He seemed skilled with it, which was to be expected seeing as he owns a wine company.

"Here." He slid the drink over the counter. Taking it in her hand she noted how quickly it had been made. "We might get busy today, so be prepared." He advised.

She nodded and went to bring the beverage to the man. He was tapping his foot rapidly and his eyes lit up when he saw his drink. "Oh good! Thank you very much, miss." He clasped his hands together.

Y/N put on a smile that wasn't exactly genuine. Just so she came off kind and thoughtful. "It was no problem, have a great day." Was what she replied with and walked off back to Diluc.

He had a very slight smile on his face. Even she was surprised to see it. "You have a fairly good fake smile." He commented.

Y/N knew it was obvious but not like that. "Takes one to know one doesn't it?" She responded. "But since you were kind enough to give me a job, I won't bully you about it."

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