Chapter 1

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[ This AU is based off recent VMinKook live, after 27th November LA concert, where Tae and JK kept staring at each other and acting adorable, and I just had to write this one down. So here it is :) hope you like this story! ]



What the hell?!

Both, Jimin and Taehyung slapped Jimin's thigh and then looked at Jungkook, expecting him to go along with it, as if they really thought he would throw caution to the wind and sit on their laps. 

To an outsider, it might look like an innocent gesture, something that an elder brother would do, to embarrass the younger one, making it seem as if they still considered him to be a kid who would jump into their laps at a moments notice.

But Jungkook knew better.  

He had expected this kind of behavior from Jimin. That hyung flirted as he breathed, and after so many years of seeing it first-hand, experiencing the character that was Park Jimin, nothing that this hyung did would have surprised Jungkook at this point.

But Taehyung...

Taehyung also slapped Jimin's thigh, and looked at Jungkook with those eyes.

There was some expectation in those brown eyes, but for what Jungkook had no clue.

The minute that Taehyung repeated Jimin's actions, that's when Jungkook knew he was a goner.

His brain short-circuited for a whole of two minutes, his thoughts taking a 180-degree turn, going south and Jungkook's skin tingled underneath his hoodie.

This was not what he had in mind, when Jungkook joined Taehyung's vlive.

He stared at Taehyung's hand on Jimin's thigh, again, and then up, to meet Taehyung's eyes. Jungkook couldn't tell what was going on inside his mind, but he wished it was something oh-not-so innocent. 

He wanted Taehyung to think of him as someone more then the group's youngest member, someone who had grown out of the lanky fourteen year old boy image, that Taehyung had met years ago, and who had needed his guidance to open up to the other members.

It was his past.

The kid Jungkook was a little green, a little naive at the time, not knowing what the world had in store for him.

But the Jungkook of today was different. He looked at things different, dealt with them differently.

The Jungkook of now wanted Taehyung to treat him like an adult, and not brush him off just because he was the youngest of their group.

He wanted-

Someone coughed, and it made Jungkook pause, pulling him out of his thoughts. 

Who was coughing? Was someone sick? Did one of the members catch something while performing on stage?

The cough grew in volume. This time it sounded fake and forced and somewhat familiar.

Jungkook looked up to see Jimin giving him a raised eyebrow.

What? Jungkook wanted to ask. 

But just then, Jungkook's sluggish mind chose that time to finally pick up on their current situation, and the younger stumbled a step back.


"I'll go get a chair for myself." He managed to mumble, before stepping out of view, and away from the phone and their livestream, where millions of fans were watching their every move.

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