Moving In - Part 2

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A/N: Soooooo... I kind of left a huge cliffhanger at the end of part one and I'm really sorry about that!


Stiles woke up with a painful crick in the neck and paint splattered all over the canvas. He must've fallen asleep after getting all of his frustrations out.

Well, technically, it was Scott's fault for making him so damn mad.

Stiles was smart enough to know the pros and cons of moving in with Derek. He knew what he was getting into. His Dad talked to him about it, heck, Stiles even talked to Miss Morrel and his Adviser, Mr. Duecalion about it. They all said to do what my heart tells me and be smart about it.

Moving in with Derek was one of the best decisions he has ever made so far.

He loves Derek and being with Derek makes him happy.

He loved being able to wake up to Derek's beautiful face and he loved being in those arms that seemed to have a mind of their own, like they don't want to let go of Stiles. He enjoys those moments!

So, yes, he's a bit disappointed but not mad anymore.

He fished out his phone and his eyes widened at how many messages Derek left for him.

"Fuuuuuuuudge! Crap!" Stiles jumped out of the couch, grabbed his shoes and bag from the floor and bolted towards the door.


"I don't even know, Laura... I mean, this is what I wanted, right?"

Stiles stopped midway down the stairs the moment he heard Derek's voice.

"I wanted him to move in with me... Yes, I know that we were moving too fast..." Derek sighed and it made Stiles' heart stop.

Was Derek regretting it?

"It's just that, I'm starting to think that asking him to move in with me will... Ah fuck! I don't even know anymore..."

Stiles' bit his lower lip, willing himself not to cry.

He was about to go back up the studio when he heard Derek say, "I don't give a fuck about anyway. I love Stiles and asking him to move in with me was the best decision of my life! I love waking up to him in the morning... even if I catch him staring at me so, so creepily. I love seeing him zombie-walk from the bedroom to the kitchen. I love everything about him."

And at that time, Stiles chuckled softly at how stupid he was being. He was being paranoid about everything that involved Derek.

"Alright, I'm gonna head up the studio. he might have fallen asleep there and I'm being paranoid about everything. Bye!"

Stiles didn't know what to do. So, he stood there as Derek came into view.

His hazel green eyes wide at the sight of Stiles standing there on top of the stairs with tears streaming down his face.

"S-Stiles? Baby, are you okay? What's wrong?" Derek leapt up the stairs and his hands were immediately around Stiles' waist, pulling him close to his body.

"Der... d-do you regret asking me to move in with you?" Stiles asked as he hiccuped and sobbed into Derek's shoulder.

"Whaaat? You heard all of that, huh? Baby, I love you and yes, you do drive me crazy sometimes but asking you to move in with me was one of the best decisions of my life." Derek said as he tightened his hold around Stiles' body.

And all Stiles could do was sob.


The following day, Stiles woke up cocooned inside Derek's arms and the alarm clock blaring "Bad Blood" on their bedside table.

"Babe... turn that off please..." Derek mumbled as he buried his face into Stiles' neck.

And Stiles obliged and asked, "Don't you have work today?"

"Took a day off. Boyd owes me one shift. Need to love you more... need more sleeping time with you..."

Stiles was pretty sure that his heart is about to explode right out of his chest.

A/N: Yay! New update :) what do you guys think?

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