Getting Together (1)

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Stiles checked on his phone. Again. And again, and again.

Still no message from the brooding Officer Hale. It's been one week since the man texted, let alone called him. He's not mad. He has no right to be. He's not Derek Hale's boyfriend. He's just Derek's friend.

He thought about his date a week ago... the one where Erica just had to but in and say 'Hi'. He wondered what she told Derek.

"Hey, man." Scott sits beside him on the grass, then pulls out his phone from his bag.

"Hey, so, how are you and Isaac? Did the deed yet?" Stiles grins wide.

Scott playfully shoves him and said, "Nah, we're taking it slow. It's kind of romantic actually. How 'bout you? How was your date with Malia go?"

Stiles shrugged but didn't say anything. He just went back to sketching on his tablet.

Then Scott smacks him on the back of his head and said, "What does that supposed to mean, Stiles?"

He removes his glasses and sighs deeply, "It means that I don't eve know what I'm doing anymore. I mean, Derek has been avoiding me for a week now, and on top of that, Malia thinks that I'm still not over my ex, which I don't have by the way. So, you tell me, Scott... what the fuck am I supposed to do?"

Wow, somehow, it made Stiles breathe easier now that he said it out loud and Scott... well, Scott is laughing at him.

"Seriously? Don't laught, asshat! I practically summarized my love life, and you laugh at me?"

Scott kept laughing until eventually, he calmed down and said, "She's talking about Derek, of course. You're practically head over heels for the guy and it's kind of written all over your face. Anyway, you just have to be honest about it. Tell him and if he rejects you, move on... although, I highly doubt that that will happen."


Well, it's easier said than done.

Stiles isn't even sure what he needs to do. Scott makes it so easy when it comes to Isaac. Maybe he needs some more pointers.

He headed down the station right after he left Scott with Isaac. Man, those two are so in-love with each other that Stiles might actually puke rainbows and puppies if he stays long enough to watch them make-out.

So, he went to check on his Dad --and Derek, because you know, he's worried-- but found out from Boyd that he's in a meeting with the District Attorney and that he won't be back until later. He also found out that Derek is out on a case and won't be back until later also. Hmm, sounds pretty suspicious.

"What's up with you best friend?" Stiles flops down on Derek's chair, which was opposite Boyd's desk.

Boyd looked up and stared at the young man, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh come on! I think you know why he isn't texting me or calling me back. Did I do something? Was it something I said? C'mon, Boyd, help a brother out." Stiles sat up straight, looking at the man with such determination.

The man groaned, and couldn't help but roll his eyes at the young  man, "It wasn't anything you did or said, he's just being his brooding self, Stiles. Leave the man be for a while. He just needs time to think."

Stiles cocked his head in confusion, "Think about what?"

"His life choices," he answered, "now, get out of here and go to class!"


Actually, Derek didn't go to work. He went to his sister's apartment on the Upper East Side and stayed there for a while. Damn.

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