I Love You

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Two months later...

Waking up to Stiles sleeping soundly in his arms has been the highlight of Derek's mornings ever since they took their relationship to the next level.

Sex with Stiles was just a huge bonus whenever he stayed over. He loved the way the young man's nails dig into his back as he thrusted deep into him. He loved the way Stiles moans his name, those short gasps as he tried to rock back into Derek's touch.

He loved it when the sun is just about to rise and it slowly rises from behind Stiles' head like a halo, making him realize that maybe... just maybe God sent him an angel.

He loved seeing the man beside him looking so peaceful and young. It was a sight to behold.

He also loved the way Stiles' lashes fluttered open like butterfly wings. And then those hot whiskey-colored eyes would stare softly at him.

"Morning, Der," then he'll say those words in a raspy tone and smile.

"Morning, beautiful."

It was an automatic response from Derek whenever Stiles greeted him. Well, it's the truth. Stiles, despite being spastic and awkward with his limbs flailing around, will forever be beautiful in Derek's eyes.

He leaned in to kiss Stiles, nothing extreme, just a sweet lingering kiss on those bow-shaped lips that he had kissed countless times.

"Hmm... Breakfas' later... Sleep good..." Stiles mumbled as he buried his face into the crook of the man's neck and fell asleep again.


Stiles loved waking up in Derek's arms every morning, even the bad ones where he had to wake up at ass o'clock in the morning.

The point is that Derek's arms, despite the bulging muscles, was just right. In fact, it might be because it was Derek. Maybe the man was the reason that Stiles could wake up in the morning and not feel like crap.

Anyway, they always sleep again whenever he wakes up and sees his boyfriend watching him sleep.

And then, they'll wake up again and Stiles will be the one who makes breakfast because he is awesome at making eggs, bacon and waffles. It's the truth because other than his boyfriend, his family told him so.

"Der, breakfast time." Stiles said as he rolled on top of Derek.

"Hmm... How about I just eat you instead?" Derek whispered into his ears suggestively.

Stiles chuckled and just kissed him on the neck then said, "As much as I would love for you to do that, my sweets, I have a meeting with Morrell in an hour."

The older man rolled his eyes and then pursed his lips into a pout, "Not even a quickie?"

"Oh, sweets, you know whenever we do quickies that we always end up thirty minutes late. Maybe tonight if you're good, okay?" The young man said before rolling off the bed and walking to the kitchen.


At work, Derek was always hounded by his co-workers, Reyes and Boyd... Well, Boyd did the hounding in a very quiet manner.

"Still on the honeymoon phase, huh?" Erica said as she flipped her hair over he shoulder.

Derek, on the other hand, just rolled his eyes and said, "My love life, my business, E."

"Oh, come on, Derek! What else am I gonna do?" She pouted when she sat down on top of Boyd's table.

"Gee, I wonder what." He said. His voice dripping with sarcasm as he checked on his phone and saw a text from Stiles saying that he'll be coming down to the station to drop off the Chief's lunch.

The Chief's Son (Sterek, BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now