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There was a girl, curled up on her side next to the river I was flying above. She looked thin as far as I could see, one arm stretched out towards the water. It could be a risk to let her see me, though based on the camp I saw near her, she was trapped where she was, and I wasn't about to just leave her.

I quickly flew down, landing far enough away I wouldn't startle her. Shifting into my 'human' form. I spent most of my time like this, as did many dragons. When I looked over at her, I could see it. The scales that seemed to flow from her temples down to her collarbone. They were nearly grey in colour, I could just barely make out that they'd once been purple in some spots.

"Hello?" I kept my voice as soft as I could, which was mildly difficult since I didn't speak much in general.

The girl jumped and quickly curled away from me, nearly choking herself with the chain that was around her neck.

"Hey hey, it's alright. I'm not here to hurt you. I just want to get you out of here alright? My names Spencer. I won't hurt you, Little Earthling." I held out a hand gently, only knowing she was an earth dragon because I was, and her magic felt as though it was reaching for mine. That often happened with dragons that were injured or sick. They'd reach for the magic of others to find something to cling to.

A faint nod was the most response I was given, her pushing herself to sit up slightly. "Lilah.." She whispered, hesitantly reaching for my hand.

"Lilah." I smiled gently. "Let's get you out of here then." I gently moved closer and managed to break the collar off of her neck with my hands.

Almost as soon as I did, she bolted for the river. Quickly gulping down the liquid as soon as she reached it.

I walked over. "Slow down a bit Little Earthling." I gently helped her up once she stopped drinking. "Let's go get you somewhere safe yeah?"

She nodded quietly, her arms wrapped around her torso.

"Can you ride on my back? Or would you be more comfortable with me carrying you?"

"Could you carry me?" She murmured. "I'm not sure I trust myself to not fall off.."

I just nodded softly, shifting into what some called a 'half form'. It gave me my wings but allowed my body to remain humanoid. I held my arm out to her gently, watching as she stepped into my grip before gently picking her up. "I've got you." I said softly. "I'll keep you safe." I started to hear voices and took off before I could see who they belonged to, flying back to the dragons realm. It was hidden from the eyes of humans, or any that could threaten our safety.

Our realm was split into four kingdoms; Earth, Fire, Water and Air. Each was positioned in such a way that made sense for its element. The air dragons lived in the highest peaks of the mountains, and were the main defenders of the realm. The water kingdom was placed in an area that was filled with rivers and lakes, almost making it a floating kingdom. The fire kingdom was near the small group of volcanoes. Due to the magic of fire dragons, it allowed them to help keep the volcanoes from erupting. The earth kingdom was possibly the largest, spanning most of the land. That's where I lived.

I landed on the roof of my home, letting my wings vanish before walking inside, just gently laying the girl in my arms on my bed. Her skin felt cold to the touch, that and how pale her scales were being the clearest signs she was beginning to fade. There was one thing I thought to try, and to be honest I wasn't sure it would work.

I gently took her back into my arms, carrying her to one of the other rooms. I'd converted four of my rooms into ones modeled after specific elements. Being around whatever element they draw their power from can help them to grow, to heal. I've never tried it with one that seemed so close to death though. I nudged open one of the doors with my foot, gently laying her down on the grass.

She curled up slightly, her breathing seeming almost laboured.

The moment she was fully on the grass, her breathing evened out a bit, small flowers and other plants growing around her body. That was a good sign at least. Eventually she seemed to be dozing off, her body fully relaxed. Her scales regained a bit of their colour, and some of her wounds had healed partially.

After a few moments she lifted her head, her eyes half closed.

"Hey Little Earthling." I murmured softly, relieved it had worked.

"You helped me.. why?" She murmured.

"You needed help, and I wasn't going to just leave you there." I said softly, gently offering a hand. "C'mon, let's get some food in you and get you cleaned up okay?"

She took my hand quietly and pulled herself to her feet, nodding. "Okay.."

Very quick A/N here, each chapter will focus on a specific ship(until characters end up in the same place, in which case that system wouldn't work 😂😂


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