The Beginning

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Quotation marks "means present deku speaking and * means action, brackets () mean thought

"Deku: I was 4 years old at the time, my parents hated me same with my sister I don't understand why though. What have I done? Did I do anything wrong? The only thing I could think of was existing... Let me tell you of my early life."

Inko: brat get down here this mess won't clean itself! And if it isn't clean in 5 minutes you'll be sleeping in the basement."this was my mother she wasn't the worst that would be my sister izumi but she was still a wicked bitch had what was coming for her"

Izuku: y-yes ma'am o-of course* rushes down quickly and starts cleaning the stain and keeping quiet so not to get beaten

Izumi: pours her juice on the carpet staining it* oops* she slightly smirks so nobody notices"fucking hated this bitch so much she was such a prideful and full of herself just because she had a good quirk"

Izuku: finishes cleaning the stain only just to get beaten badly by inko as 5 minutes had past and the juice stain was on the floor* p-please stop I'm sorry! I'll m-make sure to be quicker* he started crying under the brutal beating of his mother's fists hitting his frail body.


Izuku: he'd try covering his face hearing his sister laugh in the background as he was mercilessly beaten until he was left as a bloody pulp with bruises and wet tears staining his cheeks with blood dripping down the side of his head and getting in his hair.

After ten minutes of beating inko got tired and left the poor boy on the floor in a small puddle consisting of blood and tears but this unfortunately wasn't the end as izumi had thrown him up the stair using her telekinesis getting sick of listening to her brothers crying

Izuku: goes to his room shutting the door as he started to patch himself up with bandages from one of many medical kits he's had to use* why! Why! Why! It's not fair... Why do I always get treated like this while I get abuse and harsh words izumi gets praise and love* screams into his pillow as his stomach growled from not being fed for 2 days now

Izuku: my life is just hell.. School bullies telling me I'm useless and should forget being a hero, my family abusing me.. All because I'm a male* looks at his clock* oh great time for school* goes to wash all the blood off him


Izumi: today is the day that we get to decide our future I'm so going to U.A then I can become a hero like you mother!

Inko: smiles* that's great sweetie I know you'll pass and become a great hero* hands her the lunch she made for her* brat get down here your going to make izumi late for school

Upstairs izuku could hear his mother yelling at him.

Izuku: comes down the stairs passing by th both as he grabbed his bag and made his way down towards school for another day of torment (I don't know how she thinks she is a golden child she's one of the most evil that you can get) he thought to himself while messing with his tie to try let out his anger which wasn't helped by hearing his sisters snickering.

Izumi: don't you dare get close to me mistake I don't want you ruining my beauty and clothes honestly you should give up and realise the only thing your useful for is as a man servent* she smiled puffing out her chest as to prove a point of her be...

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Izumi: don't you dare get close to me mistake I don't want you ruining my beauty and clothes honestly you should give up and realise the only thing your useful for is as a man servent* she smiled puffing out her chest as to prove a point of her beauty

Izuku kept his mouth shut and just kept his distance knowing from expierence back talking her would just get him in more trouble when he gets home by his (mother) he thought to himself with invisible air quotes around the mother part.

(authors notes:
Alright everyone this is my first ever time making a story so let me know if you have any suggestions for future parts)

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