The Masters New Toy

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Toga was left alone in her new "room". This room however, was more like a cell having thick concrete walls to stop any escape, the ceiling and floor was made out of metal, a small window with iron bars let the sunlight in but barely allowing just enough for her to see; otherwise the only other light was a few lit candles to see. For furniture: the room possessed a metal table, steel framed bed with a mattress on it, a thin blanket along with a pair of small pillows, a wooden chair, sink with a shelf for cleaning kit, a shower, toilet, towel and that was it. Being more like a holding cell she could do nothing but think and wait.

Toga: (I can't believe he is that kid I killed a few weeks ago. He's scary and has a quirk.. What is he going to do to me, he probably has a grudge because I killed him) with her thoughts being left to wonder, all that could be seen was a look of fear shown by darting eyes and quivering lips.

An audible click echoed through the cell followed alongside creaking metal of the reinforced door. Looking up toga saw the maid from earlier. Tilting her head to one side.

Mirko: I'm going to be training you so you become a good toy to the master and knowing your place. Toga could see her eyes held fury in them compared to her face that looked like someone dead serious. To say that fear gripped toga's heart was an understatement. She visibly was shaking with fear. Toga: w-w-what?

Clearly unamused mirko gripped tightly onto toga's arm yanking her to her feet while applying pressure to the wrist making toga yelp in pain. Mirko: that wasn't the right answer, your suppose to approach your master and wait for his orders without question. Venom dripped from Mirko's mouth; Toga on the other hand had gathered that this maid clearly loves him and not going to backdown or relent.

Mirko: now let's try this again. Shoving toga back she stood there with her arms crossed. Toy come here. Hesitantly toga approached only to get hit hard in the gut with a punch forcing her to her knees. Mirko: to slow! You don't hesitate! Do that again and it'll be worse. She hissed before proceeding to yank her to her feet to only push her against the wall. Mirko: again! Not wanting to be hit togs quickly approached before stopping in front of her. Mirko: better, maybe your not a complete waste of time but that doesn't mean your any use to the master yet.

Keeping to the ruthless training cycle mirko trained toga for weeks giving her very little food or blood if she didn't meet the standards of mirko's time schedule. To list a few things toga was taught to do was mostly but not limited to: cooking, being punctual, knowing the masters behavior, no arguing while doing exactly as told without hesitation or question, to fight but more importantly to know she is nothing and to be thankful to anything she's given. Other things she was taught was when to get up, how things work and enhanced quirk training. By the end toga was ready to finally meet her new master in person. With a broken mind of free will she walked in silence behind mirko wearing a maid dress of her own.

Toga: permission to speak miss mirko. Her voice was respectful and spoken calmly. Sighing in frustration mirko nodded wanting to desperately show her master the good job she's done. Toga: what is the master like miss mirko? Stopping dead in her tracks with twitching ears, she gave it time to let her words sink in before continuing to walk; placing a finger on her chin she thought for a moment. Mirko: (shit! How do I respond to a question such as this. There are no words that can describe him! Trying to would just be insulting as he'd be 100x far greater for that word) taking her finger away mirko simply responded with. Mirko: no words can describe the master. Anything you could say to describe him would be a direct insult. He'd easily suppass any praise.

Seeming contempt and finding herself agreeing with her words toga simply nodded as they continued tracking along the path. Sounds of clicking shoes ringing around the hallways was the only noise present due to both girls remaining quiet.

Entering a chamber both girls were greeted by the sight of deku sitting in his chair staring down both the girls with a smirk. Deku: what is this my pet? Practically hopping with excitement; she ran over to him while giving him a hug. Being use to this and enjoying it deku wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her close resulting in the rabbit maid cooing his name softly. After a few minutes had past mirko managed to compose herself. Mirko: this is the new toga master. She'll be just as useful and respectful as I am to you. I can guarantee that.

Looking her up and down deku nodded. good work pet, you deserve a reward later. Seeing her smile melted his cold heart with a small smile creeping onto his face. Deku: come here toy. Watching toga quickly approach he couldn't help bur smirk evily. Here he was with power beyond measure and 2 loyal beautiful girls that'll he'll always keep safe. Bowing while lifting up her maid dress a bit toga introduced herself. Toga: himiko toga at your service master.

A wicked smile left deku's lips. Deku: most excellent my new toy, go explore your home for now while I reward my pet. Eyeing mirko gingerly; mirko smiled. Toga: as you wish master. Bowing again toga left both of them alone.

(Authors notes: alright everyone that's it for this chapter hope your all enjoying so far, let me know what you think of the story so far down in the comments and if your feeling generous leave a like and share my story with your friends. See you all next chapter!)

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