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After deku's disappearance the family hasn't been the same. For starters his father whom he was very close to fell into depression believing that his son was dead. The reason to why this was because unlike inko and izumi; Hisashi had to live through abuse and neglect. Their marraige frustrated him seeing his only son live through this life of torment.

He had tried saving up money to leave with his son to shield him from izumi. Now because he was gone hatred brewed within him seeing izumi and inko not as a wife & daughter but as monsters taking full advantage of how the society they live in. Because of all this hisashi ignores them both rather spending time at work or locking himself in the spare bedroom only coming out to work or eat to make sure that he doesn't have to see let alone speak to the ones that caused happiness in his life to runaway.

However, both the girls had very different opinions. Inko hated her 'son' more than ever considering him as a spolied brat for running away instead of just accepting the role of society given to males. Despite the anger and resentment towards him she couldn't help but get more frustrated at her backstabbing husband who decides to waste time moping at that deadbeat mistake that in her view has ruined everything being completely oblivious to the fact she and her "precious" daughter was the cause of this rift.

Izumi on the other hand despite everything she says and acts couldn't help but miss her brother. She promised him that when they're older she'll protect him but here she was playing second fiddle to her mothers treatment

Izumi sighed heavily looking out the window listening to her mother hopelessness attempt to try get her father out of that room. This was the third week in a, row where he had refused to talk or see them. At this point she only knew when her father got home from work was the familiar quick paces to the spare bedroom followed by the sound of a, quick slam and click as the lock shut tight.

Izumi: this family is broken and it's all his fault but.. I guess a small part of it was also my fault as I broke my promise to him. That was before though right? It doesn't count when your that young and don't understand anything.. Right? She tried to justify it to herself but no matter how hard she tried there will always be that little voice in the back of her mind taunting her with that promise.

Yet fate is a cruel mistress and in time their actions will drown the world in blood. That however is yet to come and for now all izumi has to look forward to is the end of middle school and reaching her dream of being a pro heroine "yeah right like all pro heroines you'll be the defenition of a hypocrite dear sister"

Izumi's point of view~

OK it's the last day of middle school. All I have to do is apply and deal with school then I can start my training to become a pro heroine! Practically jumping with excitement izumi ran to school with a huge smile on her face being unaware that someone's watching her.

Deku point of view~

Watching his sister running without a care in the world made him sick to the core. Here she was a perfect spoiled girl with all the love, a quirk, good childhood and to what stung most was freetime to herself with games to play, warm water to shower. All these thoughts on what she had that he never got made him grit his teeth to the point he could hear the molours grind against each other.

Temptation brewed within his mind to just break her will and force her to serve him to be used as his weapon to beat the revenge into his mother. (How ironic would that be, mothers perfect child being used to torture and kill her while I watch) the thought of this action allowed a wicked smirk form on his face.

... Don't worry father soon I'll set you free of your shackles just hold in there for a while longer I will do whatever it takes to give you a life of which you deserve. A few tears rolled down his face remembering all the times his father had comforted him and snuck food in for him to eat. His tears quickly stopped giving him the chance to calm his nerves to bring the stone cold face that he's usually seen in.

Let's see what you do dear sister. Dissappearing into a rift he continued to tail izumi.

No one's point of view~

Reaching class izumi sat down next to her best friends shoka and katsumi. Katsumi was being her usual loud bragging self.

Katsumi: listen up extras me, shoka and izumi are the only ones going to U.A the rest of you will be lucky to be a sidekick to a pro heroine. Shoka on the otherhand was being quiet and gloomy like always while occasionally taking a sip from her cold soba all the while ignoring katsumi arguing with the class.

Izumi was only now starting to feel like someone was watching her. Eyeing a person outside the window wearing a cloak to hide any body features but with only a present smirk being seen fixated her attention to the point she couldn't hear katsumi yelling her name. (who is that? And why are they staring at me and.. Smirking?!) a violent push snapped her out of thought only to see a confused yet slightly pissed katsumi staring back.

Katsumi; what is going on with you? Your completely out of it. Despite being slightly mad she, had a perplexed look on her face. A rare sight indeed.

Shoka was similarly curios being the first time ever seeing izumi get distracted catched her interest as this was new to her. Clicking her tongue in her mouth izumi shrugged deciding to tell them. Izumi: I think I'm being stalked there was a person in a cloak looking at me while smirking.

The news shocked both of them. Katsumi and dhoka looked at each other before dhoka spoke up. Shoka: any ideas who this might be? Or what they want? The only answer she had received was izumi shaking her head. Concerned shoka was going to suggest something however, the bell rung forcing her to go sit down as the teacher strolled in.

Teacher: now all of you it's time to decide your future; hearing her students groan she smiled before throwing her paper in the air. Just kidding I know you all want to be pro heroines.

Hearing this caused all the students to cheer loudly while using their quirks except izumi, katsumi and shoka. The teacher tapped her desk a bit hard to gain their attention.

Teacher: alright settle down you all know that you can't use your quirk in school. Seeing her class sit down she proceeded to explain to them the places they're positioned along with shoka, izumi and katsumi were going to U.A Entrance exam. This gave katsumi front row to stand up and reinforce what she was saying earlier.

At the end of the day all 3 girls decided to walk home but little did they know they were walking into a trap. Not set by the sludge villian but someone far more sinister.

(authors notes: alright everyone this is it for this part to give you a hint deku isn't the one that will be jumping them comment down bellow who you think it is. Hope you enjoyed stay safe out there everyone)

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