Plot In Motion & Arrival Of A New Enemy

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By the stroke of 12 the city was a mix of fire, blood and many dead. Roaming the streets were freakish nomu's that were much more different then the first one. Crude surgery had been performed where hands were replaced with a mix of metal claws, jagged rock or a machine gun fed by a belt feed attached to the back. All had armoured, covering the brains with a few having patches of armour on them to make it harder to defeat them. That wasn't all, some were also smarter then the others being able to keep some form of a basic tactics. However, only the ones equipted with guns were capable of this so far having been the more intelligent experements.

Flashback to 6 hours before the attack*

In a unknown lab, a certain green haired boy was staring at a nomu. Although, this one was different compared to the previous ones, instead of a mindless beast it was clad in armour with its brain protected but that wasn't all, it also had one of it's hands removed in favor of it was replaced by a 2 prong metal claw. Deku: well it seems that so far our plans are being set in motion as we speak AFO, with these new versions of a Nomu the heroines will have a harder time dealing with these, the nomu was already stronger then most but now with armour and proper weapons unlike it's fists, I can see the nomu project becoming more refined. Claws for cutting, guns for crowd control and lastly the intelligent flying ones able to drop contact detonated bombs. We can maximise the damage to the city and give a further blow to pro heroines who's numbers already draw thin. To say AFO wasn't impressed would be a lie but she was trying to keep it under wraps having adopted a cautious status around the man for what's he's been able to do in a short period of time. AFO: yes quite right, they will surely prove more effective for our goals (I'm not sure what to think about this man, he's clever and ruthless but also manipulative with a strong understanding of his enemy it's hard to read this man) onto another top I must ask what do you plan to do with that broken girl. Her tone wasn't demanding but more of a strong question along with a hint of curiosity. Smirking as he looked over he slowly started walking towards her. In instinct she also slowly backed up not wanting to be close.

Deku: well AFO that is a very good question but I believe that doesn't concern you. We may be allies but what I do that doesn't play apart in our goal is secondary information. Only important information that affects you, me or our plans are to be shared do I make myself clear? With a dead serious tone and fixed gaze he held his hands behind his back in a comfortable position, the sound of metal grates ringing as they both stepped back. AFO: it's my plan and base I'm the one in control your not. (I know he's bold but this is crazy I could easily destroy him yet why do I feel like I'm cold) staring up to match his gaze she stopped and stood her ground only to see him approaching closer with one... Step... At a... Time. Deku: is that so? Well then I guess I didn't make myself clear earlier on our partnership AFO. He now stood directly in front of her staring at her with sharp emarld green eyes. Gulping quietly the smaller woman stepped back only to find she had her back against the wall. AFO: (shit! I'm cornered with nowhere to go, what is his game) deku: well well how the tides turn quickly. Grabbing her chin and lifting her head up to face him, he was quick to grab her hands and pin them up against the wall. Letting out a slow and soft chuckle he couldn't help but delight in her confused state.

When she tried to squirm out of his grasp he tightened making her yelp at the sudden pressure which quickly made her stop squirming. Grinning at this he leaned down and whispered in her ear. Deku: you may think your the one in control here but your wrong. Goodnight; just when she was about to ask what he meant he proceeded to knock her clean out and stared at the camera making a hush motion before swinging her over his shoulder and leaving. At the same time that this was happening, toga and mirko were being checked out by pony who at this point in time was making sure to re educate herself amongst other things as she was now being in charge of taking care of children and childbirth. Using an ultrasound she was checking the screen for what the children looked like. Pony: well it seems you both got 1 healthy baby each, I don't see any issue from the scans, uhm how far along are you two in your pregnancy? Getting in a more comfortable position toga looked over at her with a sharp grinned smile. Toga: 9 months both so hopefully I can see my baby soon. What about you mirko? Putting her thumbs up due to being a bit more tired then she's usual. As of late she seems to doze more but still tries to keep training up in anyway possible without harming her child. Mirko: I'm excited to meet them, hopefully master also will be happy with being a father. The last bit put a little bit of fear that he won't accept them inro both of the women's minds before they shook it off and chose not to think of it.

Pony: well with all the scans I've done and the data I predict anywhere from one to 5 days before pregnancy. Do you two have any questions? Both shook their heads in unison. Being quick to respond mirko made her point clear but calmly. Mirko: no I believe I have all the answers I require right now thank you. Unlike mirko, toga did have a few questions more on the child. Toga: do you think she'll be beautiful and like me when she grows up, I hope she has a good quirk so she can do, what she wants to do. Pony was unsure how to answer but answered in the best way she could think. Pony: I believe she will on both but right now her apparence will become more visible when she grows up. For now what I reccomened is to rest and take things easy until your child is born to reduce any potential complication, if you need me for anything just call me. She left with a cold sweat on her forehead (if this pregnancy goes wrong I am so screwed) heading to her room that was provided to her in order to catch up on how to deliver a baby both naturally and having to do C sections just in case. Her anxiety grew more and more by the hour at the thought of something going wrong and what "he" will do when he finds out. The mere thought caused her hand to tremble after finding out what happened to the red and white haired girl from class 1A. But if she thought she was alone that would be a mistake as just behind her in the shadows... Two shining green eyes watched on with an unsettling mischievous grin.

(hey everyone here's the most recent chapter hope you enjoyed it and had fun let me know what you think and I'll see you all next time)

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