Announcements And RoomMates.

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Soul Eater.

.Slave To The Rhythm.

Chapter 3 - Announcements And RoomMates.



"Here we are" Marie smiles as she lead us to a brown huge door., we nodded and entered the room.

It's was the same room that we were watching the dancers dancing in it.

"Can I get your attention please?" Marie yelled, all the dancer turned there heads to her, "and you please gather here and sit down?" They did as told and sat down. I saw Maka sitting with the blacked hair girl and the twins.

"After all the auditions you guys did, the results of the three lucky dancer are finally chosen" Marie smiled to her students, they all cheered "if you may" she turned to us.

I took a couple of steps forward, I glanced at Kid and Black*Star, they nodded.

"We were suppose to choose three candidates, but eventually we couldn't help but choose four" I started, my gaze turning to the ash blonde headed girl and something in my chest tighten up, I immediately looked away from her forest green orbs. "We just wanted to say that we liked you all, but we had to choose four of you guys, and be sure, it wasn't as easy choice" I took a small piece of paper if my jeans pocket "the names that I will mention right now, stand up and come up to here" I said cooly pointing the spot to my left.

"Tsubaki Nakatsukasa" I read the first name, the girl with raven hair tied up in a high pony tail walked to me but stood away from me, as if shy.

"Patricia Thompson" a short blonde haired girl jumped of her place and came running only to stand right next Tsubaki.

"Elizabeth Thompson" another blonde girl, but her hair was long, marched up to stand next to her sister, they should be sisters right? They look like each other, and even Kid said that they are Twins.

"And The last dancer is" I took a deep "Maka Albarn"

The girl's emerald eyes went wide, almost as if In fear. She turned her head to the Blonde guy who was dancing with her, he looked at her with a menacing look, she turned her head toward me again, and slowly stood up up and walked toward us, then stood between Elizabeth and Me.

"Well, there we have them" Kid said with a smile.

"YAHOO! Now we can slay everyone!" Black*Star shouted.

"Are you ready for a great experience and an unforgettable adventure?" I asked them with a smirk.

The twins squealed with excitement, Tsubaki had a wide smile on her face and let out a heavy breath.

But Maka in the other hand just looked into space, shouldn't she be happy? At least excited?

"I'm so happy for you girls!" Marie gave them a group hug, a tear tracing her left cheek. " you were just little small brats when you began dancing here, and now you look at you, you're going on tour with the most famous band of time, I can't be more proud of you" she pulled out and gave them a motherly warm smile.

"Miss Marie! I'm Gonna miss you!" Patricia screamed and hugged Marie.

"I'm going to miss you too Patty, You and your Sister, and Tsubaki, And Maka."

"Congrats Guys!" All the other dances cheered and pulled the four lucky girls into a group hug.

I noticed the blonde headed guy was glaring at Maka, and the thing that is bugging me is that Maka, is looking at him, like nothing.

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