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A/N: thanks for the votes and comments! This story will be updated every Sunday or sooner depending on my week! Enjoy <3

I can't recall how much I had mentioned A-Ling, but you remember that conference he had with elders? It did not go exactly as planned; those old prunes used it as an opportunity to question everything he did. Afterwards, he was rather upset and ran off alone in a night hunt. Do you think I'm overprotective? I followed him and he argued with me.

I did try not to be angry with him, but I don't think it came out the way I wanted, and it only made him more upset. I suppose it is about time for me to step back.

Raising children is far more taxing than I thought it to be.

How are you? I pray you're not too bored or lonely... I hope the Lotus Bun recipe I sent found you well. Let me know if you like it.

Jiang Wanyin

Lan Xichen had grown unaccustomed to trusting his feelings; after all that happened with Meng Yao, he didn't know if his trust was misguided or true. But, sitting on the cold stone and looking at the shocked face of Jiang Wanyin, he had never been more sure of a feeling.

"If- if that's a joke, Xichen, it's not a good one," Jiang Cheng said shakily, eyes unfocused but staring at him.
"Why would it be a joke?"

"You're… you're Lan Xichen! Zewu-Jun. The kind, benevolent, and caring Sect Leader of Gusu Lan. One of the twin jades!" He blinked and dropped his head. "I mean, I'm not even worthy to be your friend, Xichen."

This part of Wanyin always broke Xichen's heart. Somewhere in his life, this seed of self-deprecation planted itself in Jiang Cheng's mind; perhaps it was even planted by someone else. Either way, it caused an inability to see his impressive achievements and good qualities. In their letters, he rarely accepted compliments or praises, always talking them down and explaining them away.  Jiang Cheng gave so much of himself without even realizing it.

Xichen took his hand, gently caressing his thumb across the rough calluses. "That's not true. You're very worthy of love, Wanyin, and I want to give it to you, should you allow it. If you…" he was terrified that this was true. "If you do not return my feelings, that is fine as well. I will not force anything upon you that you do not want. I promise I will not be hurt."

That wasn't true. He would be broken. But that was better than distancing himself in any way from Jiang Cheng.

"No, I-" Wanyin took a breath and looked back up. Xichen noted how his eyes shone almost green in the moonlight. "I do feel the same way…" The way his cheeks flushed a light red was adorable. "It's just… are you sure, Xichen?"

"I haven't been this sure about anything in ages. Wanyin, when I first entered seclusion, I had every intention of staying there for… a long time. Maybe until I died." He lifted a hand to Jiang Cheng's cheek, trying not to startle him with the touch. "You saved me from myself, and I fell in love with you. I finally feel like I'm healing. Please, Wanyin, will you let me help you too? Will you let me love you?"

They were close enough to feel each other's breath, and Xichen's voice had dipped to a whisper. Jiang Cheng's eyes fluttered closed as he leaned closer.

"Yes," he breathed, a moment before their lips met.

Luó Bolin hadn't meant to see; he was, in fact, looking for Sect Leader Jiang, but did not expect to find him in this… situation. With another Sect Leader nonetheless.

"Oh," he said from across the courtyard. "Oh." The two didn't hear him, it was likely they didn't hear anything around them, so Bolin simply pivoted on his heel and walked away.

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