The Sentencing

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A/N: again, I am so sorry. the past couple months have been a lot (not bad, but crazy). I will be uploading this chapter and the final one as well. :)

"I think death is too good for him," the man spat, glaring bitterly at a chained Jing Hu in the front of the room. Rumbles of conversation erupted at the statement, some agreeing and some disapproving.

A woman near the back said, "But if he lives and hurts someone else, who is responsible?"
"He is! We weren't the ones who killed!"
"But what if we can stop it?"

Jiang Cheng pounded Sandu's scabbard on the floor and everyone quieted immediately.
"I know you're all upset. You have every right." His eyes swept the room, trying to gauge the tension. "Arguing will not solve the problem."

They each looked down, ashamed under their Sect Leader's careful eyes. It was incredibly disrespectful of them to argue so loudly in his presence, but he didn't seem angry. Rather, he seemed tired.

Jiang Cheng lifted his chin in an attempt to hide his exhaustion; it had been a restless night. He was only able to sleep in one position, his back, and on top of that, the rest had been riddled with nightmares. He could feel Lan Xichen's worried eyes from beside him. A-Huan didn't want him to do this today.

"What are we supposed to do, Sect Leader," an old man asked quietly. "We'll never agree on something like this."
He had a point; it was impossible they shared the same opinion.

Jiang Cheng considered. "Are you satisfied with him gone? Whether it be death or imprisonment?"
A person seated directly to the right of Lan Xichen nodded. "It's not going to bring my sister back, so why does it matter? I just don't want him to hurt anyone else."

There was a hum of agreement.
"Alright," Jiang Cheng said. "If everyone will say what they would prefer as you leave. We will deal with the rest." He stood, despite the quiet protests from A-Huan. "I can stand before my people," he said softly, then turned back to them. "I promise you will not have to worry... And..." He bowed to them, biting back the sharp pain. "I am sincerely sorry for your losses."

Jing Hu, who had a silencing talisman on him (courtesy of Wei Wuxian), only smiled. Luó Bolin was standing solemnly behind the criminal with his hand on the hilt of his sword, eyeing him with distaste.

Whatever they voted for, it was the deserved punishment. So be it.


They're going to lock you up.

Lock you up.

For life.

The whispers filled his head, jabbing at the corners of his consciousness. No. This wasn't going to happen again. He controlled them the last time, and he could do it again.

Controll us?

Shrill laughter rang out.

He thought he controlled us?

That's cute.


How naive.

Jing Hu spun around, eyes darting to find the source of the voices. The cell was empty and dark, save for a beam of pale moonlight.

"I got rid of you. I'm stronger than you."

Are you?

Hah! Really?

Then banish us, it mocked.

Yes. Banish us.

"You're ruining everything!" Jing Hu's characteristically hoarse voice grated against his throat. "I can still-"

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