Choice to Make

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A/N: sorry I've been so busy recently! But here's the new chapter!!
WARNING: descriptions of blood and surgery.

Lithe fingers caught ashes falling lethargically through the smoky air. The already miniscule smolder crumbled into smaller pieces at the touch, dusting the fingertips a light gray. The person wiped their hands on a long black robe and adjusted the hood farther down to cover their face.

Fury boiled underneath the seemingly calm surface as they watched the final remains of the room burn. It was too late to save any of the research or materials.

"Damn that arrogant Sect Leader," they spat. The voice was rough and scratchy, like the owner was sick. "I'll make that bastard pay for this if it's the last thing I do."


"Well shit," was the first thing Jiang Cheng said, and Wei Wuxian snorted despite himself.

He couldn't see, but the healer smiled briefly as well. "That's certainly one way to put it, Sect Leader Jiang."
"I'm sorry, but what does that mean?"

Wei Wuxian let out a long breath. "It's going to be extremely difficult to remove. And…" he trailed off.
"And what?" Jin Ling snapped.
"It will increase the risk." For some reason, his brother sounded choked up. "Of death."

Well. That's a lot to process. He heard Lan Huan gasp quietly and had the foreign urge to hug him. Jin Ling too, who he imagined as frowning viciously.

"Ok… I need-" Jiang Cheng took a deep breath. "I need a minute to think, please. Alone."
"But JiuJiu-"
"A-Ling," he interrupted, surprisingly gentle. "I know. Please."

They quietly shuffled out of the room, scuffing their shoes on the hardwood floor and sliding the door shut. Once he heard that they were all gone, he stood and made his way slowly to the window.

Jiang Cheng heard so much.

The lapping of small waves across coarse sand and smooth rocks, the creaking of the old dock as it swayed in the wind, the hollow tune of wooden chimes floating across the air, the distant bustle of the townspeople and their screaming children. He even heard the shouts of his disciples as they trained in the humid heat.

But oh, how he longed to see it all. The deep greens and blues of the lake, and the soft brown of the boards. He wanted to look out at the crowded buildings and tall watchtowers, trying to make out the shape of a person from the blurred color of their robes. Jiang Cheng missed the purple training clothes stark against the red of hardworking faces.

He missed Luó Bolin rolling his eyes, and Jin Ling's scowl, just as much as he missed their smiles. Jiang Cheng missed looking into A-Huan's eyes and finding a better version of himself in them. He wanted to see.

But what if he lost it all? What if he left Jin Ling alone to fend for himself amongst a sect still riddled with corrupt advisors? What if he left without ever truly reconciling with Wei Wuxian? What if he left before the best relationship of his life could even start?

Jiang Cheng realized now that he was in a far different place than even a week ago. Lying in the woods that day, he could easily erase himself from their stories, but now… he wondered what exactly had changed. Perhaps he was coming to terms with this core inside of him…

He had a choice to make. The problem was, which one was the right choice? Have the surgery and risk leaving forever, or remain how he was. Blind, unable to see his loved ones or his home ever again.


Jiang Cheng's lids were heavy, but the light was bright. Wait. The light? He shot up, relief soaking through his shoulders as he saw the room. I guess I have a little more time before it's permanent.

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