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"Hey there!"

A smiling girl with [Hair Length] [Hair Color] hair and [Eye Color] eyes is the first thing that Donald see as he was forced to wake up from his sleep on the bench park.

He quickly sits up from his lying position and get as far away as he can from the girl with his bottom still on the wood bench. He looks up at her with wide eyes as he hugs his bag close to his chest and bared his teeth warningly. The [Hair Color] haired girl lift her hands the same level as her chest to tell him that she wasn't going to hurt him.

"Woah! Easy there. I won't hurt you, I promise." She said with an assuring smile before offering a hand to him. "My name is [Name] [Last Name] and I'm six years old! What's yours?" She introduces herself, still keeping a smile on her face.

The blond boy glances at her hand warily before glaring up at her. He hesitantly lifts one of his hand and shake the smaller girl's hand. "D-Donald Na... I think I'm.. seven... years old..." He said hesitantly before he quickly retreats his hand.

"Donald..." The girl repeats his name as her smile widen, if that's possible. "Donald! I really like your name! It's nice to meet you, Donald!" Her voice resonates through the empty park as she leans down closer to him. "I'd like to be your friend, Donald! I'm sure we'd get along really well!"

Donald flinched at her loudness as he stands up from his seat and took a step back from her, he easily towers her smaller form. [Name] looks up to him with wide eyes and her lips slightly parted, he's lowkey tall for a seven years old boy.

The smile on her face finally back as she straightens her back and face the blond. "You're tall!" She said, pointing out the obvious.

Donald could only stare at [Name] weirdly, so what if he was tall? He slowly nods, not sure how to respond to that.

"So, what do you think, Donald, do you want to be my friend?" The girl asks, tilting her head to the side as she looks up at him with an hopeful look.

The taller blond gulps, he doesn't know what a friend actually is, only heard it from the students that usually passed by. "W-What... is a... friend?" He asks hesitantly as he looks down to his feet, he notices the difference of his feet with hers. She wears shoes while he didn't, why would someone out of his lague talks to him?

"Huh? You don't know? Fine then. I'll show you instead!" Is all she said before she drags him towards the playground. Donald protest and tries to take his hand from her, but her grip is so strong and he hadn't eat anything since yesterday.

"Don't worry, Donald! We'll have a lot of fun today!"

• • •

Hours passed and the sun finally set.

True to her words, they had a lot of fun today. Donald never knew this day will finally come, the day when his day is full of laughter as he plays with someone on the playground. He only sees the kids his age played with their friends, but never experience the same fun they had until now. He's surprised he didn't pass out due exhaustion, maybe it's the adrenaline.

Just this morning a girl with [Hair Color] hair and [Eye Color] eyes appeared out of nowhere, and the next thing he know is him laying down on the grass beside his new friend with the widest smile on his face, watching the orange sky slowly turns dark as the sun starts to disappear from their sight.

[Name] face the blond beside her with an elbow supporting her upper body. The boy beside her face her as well, he's still smiling so widely.

"I told you we'll have a lot of fun today, Donald!" She exclaims. "How about now? Do you want to be my friend?"

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