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[Name] takes a deep breath of the cool evening breeze and let it out with a soft smile adorning her face. She's currently sitting on the bench at the park she usually pass on her way to Donald's office.

She leaned back on the wood bench and stares at the purplish-orange sky, listening to the birds chirping and kids playing with each other.

It's so refreshing.

She closes her eyes, feeling the cool breeze softly grazing her face as she hums a song that had been stuck in her head. It's such a rare sight to see the usual loud and cheerful [Name] being calm and collected like this, those who are able to see her right now would be blessed with such sight.

A faint mewling caught her attention and quickly she open her eyes to look around. Soft fur brushed against her ankle, though she can't quiet feel it due to her black tights covering her legs.

She looks down curiously and see a silver tabby cat rubbing its head on her leg, purring softly as it looks up to her with wide, blue eyes. It mewls once again with its head tilted to the side, placing its front paws on her thigh.

[Name]'s heart melts.

She picks up the cat and sit it on her lap, gently caressing its fur with a smile. Her other hand reached out to her bag beside her and open in, looking for some cat foods she always brought in her school backpack. It put more weight on her back, but she doesn't care.

She opens the bag and took a piece to offer it to the cat. It sniffs and licks on it before placing it inside its mouth. It chews it and looks up at the [Hair Color] haired girl with a mewl.


[Name] giggles and pours some on her hand, positioning her hand in front of the cat. It start to eat as the girl continue to pet the cat.

"Good kitty~! Eat as much as you want, I have a lot." She said, receiving another mewl from the cat as if it understand her. The cat eat in silence, enjoying the soft hand of the girl caressing its fur.

A guy is watching you.

Do I look like I care, Ryu?

No, but you have to! He's walking towards you!

Let him~


The said girl looked up to the owner of the voice and sees Teddy Jin standing in front of her with a hand inside his pocket. [Name] smiles at him and nod .

It's just Teddy Jin, no need to worry.

Okay, do I look like I know him?

..this bitch.

"Teddy! It's good to see you here." The girl greets the male while patting the empty spot beside her. "Sit here, sit here."

The blond nodded and complies the girl's wish, sitting beside her and place his hand on his lap while the other rest on the wood bench. He sighs and turns his gaze to the side, meeting [Name]'s [Eye Color] eyes before she looks down to the cat on her lap.

"Is it your cat?" Teddy asks curiously, glancing at the bag of cat food beside her.

"Nope." [Name] shakes her head, popping her lips on the 'p'.

The cat licks her palm, asking for more food— making [Name] giggles. Her other hand grab the bag and pour more on her palm as the cat continue to eat.

The [Hair Color] haired girl sighs and mutters to herself. "I'll bring the bowl next time..."

Teddy stares at the girl with a glint of softness in his violet eyes. She's cute, hot, rich, and loves animals especially cats? Where's the '[Name] [Last Name]'s Boyfriend-To-Be Candidate List'? He wants to sign up right here, right now.

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