Chapter One- First Meeting

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"I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!" Solona screamed, the loudest that a 12 year old could.

"Then go read or something. You're just upsetting yourself." Cullen muttered, irritated with the child that happened to be throwing a complete fit at him. It wasn't that he didn't want to let the girl outside the tower, he simply couldn't. It was Greagoir's rules, not his. He just didn't know who told her that he was the one to yell at for it.

"I've been in this damn place for a whole year now! And in all that time, I haven't been out of the tower once! I HATE THIS PLACE! NO, I HATE EVERYBODY HERE! YOU'RE ALL JERKS!" Solona contined, and then marched away from him.

"Oh, Maker save me. I'm only 14, not even an offical templar yet...I'm only even here because my parents allowed me to train with the templars here. I may have had 3 siblings, but that doesn't make me anymore used to children screaming their heads off at me...." Cullen muttered, sighing and rubbing the back of his neck.

Solona stomped straight to the young apprentince quarters. She was so angry, and her magic showed it. Fire was the only element that she could harness, Irving had said. She tried and tried to learn other magic, but each time she attempted to form ice or lightning or earth, it always came out as fire. She could heal- but it was very, very weak. It could barely heal a papercut.

Her father taught her archery since she was 9 to when she was 11- when she developed magic. But...truth be told, archery required patience and concentration, both at which she were horrible at. So, more often than not, her father would spend more money buying arrows than he got for his job at the Viscount's Keep. Thank the Maker that her mother always managed to find money elsewhere..somehow.

"Arghh! I hate them! I hate even thinking about them!" Solona muttered angrily, and fire formed in her hands where sparks had been sizzling recently while speaking (yelling) at Cullen.

"They're so cold. They never showed their feelings the way normal parents did, only in dresses that I never wore or money I never spent...or arrows that I never hit the dummies with!" She muttered, her voice rising with each word, until she was screaming in frustration.

Eventually, she simply was wore out venting and pacing in that small little space by her bunk bed that she shared with Jowan- the only friend she had made so far, and simply flopped down the the bunk and fell asleep.

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