Chapter 2- Goodbye

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"Jowan. Please. Shut. Up!" Solana told him, trying to study and block out his babbling. Jowan glared at her.

"Sorry for assuming that you're my friend, then." Jowan muttered sarcastically. Solona rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, your friend. Not your girlfriend. I don't have to listen to your inane babbling." She told him, and Jowan went still.

"Oh, no. That would so bad, wouldn't it." Jowen muttered bitterly. Solona glanced at him.

"What did you say?" She asked him, with an edge to her voice. Jowan shook his head.

"Oh, nothing." He snapped, and stormed out of the room. Solona sighed and looked around at the silent library. She had been at the tower for four years now, and yet the only place she felt truly at peace was the library.

"Solona. There you are. I've been searching everywhere for you!" Neria called, walking up to her. Neria was an elf from the alienage in Denerim..wherever that was. Neria and I became friends because of Jowan- they had known each other ever since they arrived at the circle together- brought to the circle on the same day.

I knew that Neria liked Jowan more than he knew, but she refuses to tell him. When asked why, she simply says, "Sol, he doesn't have eyes for me. I'm like a little sister to him. No, he has eyes on someone else entirely."

"Neria. Shouldn't you be with Jowan? It's strange to see you two separted so." Solona quipped sarcastically. Neria chuckled, her elbow length red hair swaying as her shoulders shook.

Solona had always been envious of Neria's hair- hers was brown with blonde streaks when she was younger, and now it was a dark brown, almost black. Solona's hair was always naturally straight as uncooked pasta- which is why she used to use magic and pins to keep it curly. She has apparently given up trying to keep it curly.

Neria's hair, though, was naturally wavy and a brilliant shade of burgundy.

"Sol, you know I hate it when people stare at my hair." Neria growled, and I jolted.

"Oh, I'm...I-I..I didn't mean to...Neria, I'm sorry." Solona babbled awkwardly. Neria's scowl smoothed into an easy smile.

"Tee-hee. I tease, I tease. You're fine. I swear, sometimes you act just like that templar you're so fond of." Neria said, her soft voice dissolving into giggles as Solona's face reddened.

"Neria! You can't go about talking about...that! I'll get in trouble! Besides, I don't like him." Solona whispered, furious. Neria said nothing else, just continued giggling.

Solona walked out of the library with Neria, both being quiet. Cullen was about to go on leave to Denerim, and Solona had to admit- she already felt his absence. His soft chuckles, the way he always tried to calm her when she let her temper get the best of her, the way he would sneak her down to the supply caves to practice her archery in private when she had no magic lessons to get to.....

Something told her that Irving knew of these little incidents, but he never called her out on it. He simply slipped in vague comments about restraint and duty, and how people should be more careful to not let their feelings be quite so obvious in situations where they might cause trouble. It's not like it's a surprise he would be easy going on her- he was like the father she always wanted, after all.

Neria hugged Solona goodnight and turned into the apprentince quarters- she already knew Solona wouldn't be going straight to bed. After all, this was going to be the last chance she would have to see Cullen before he left. He would be gone almost a month, after all.

"Solona. I'm glad you came." Cullen said as she entered the supply caves. She rolled her eyes.

"Of course I came. What else would I do?" She said matter of factly. Cullen cleared his throat.

"I, um..I brought some usual." He stuttered. Solona went and picked up her bow of choice- a cork shortbow. She picked up and arrow and aimed. When she shot, it went into the third ring. She narrowed her eyes in concentration and lifted the bow higher. She shot again, second ring. Then, finally, middle ring. She smiled grimly.

"If that training..thing...was my enemy, I'd be dead." She muttered, turning back toward Cullen. He was staring at her with this...intensity.

"Your eyes...." He mumbled.

"What was that?" Solona asked sharply. She hated it when people mumbled. Cullen blushed. Maker, 17 years old and he is a tomato.

"I said...that, um....your eyes. Yes, erm..that was it. Your eyes." He babbled. Solona narrowed her eyes.

"What does that mean?!" She asked, losing her temper. Cullen shook his head.

"It's just...I've never seen eyes like yours, before." He said, looking anywhere but her. Solona's mouth went dry. She couldn't have heard him right.

"My...eyes?" She murmered, bringing a hand up to her face. Cullen nodded hesitantly.

"They are...hard to put a color to. I've been debating with myself whether they are green or blue, to be honest..." He said softly, trailing of. Solona felt her face heating. She was horribly awkward when people gave her compliments.

Cullen saw her grimace, and misinterpreted.

"Oh, um...that's not a...a bad thing! I mean....they are quite nice. Your eyes, I mean! Oh, Maker...." Cullen babbled, growing more flustered by the moment. Solona couldn't believe what was happening. How do I, a fifteen year old, make this 17 year old man babble so?

"Erm...happy birthday?" Solona asked awkwardly. Cullen blinked, then burst out laughing, to which she joined in after a moment. Afterwards? He walked her back to the apprentince quarters, she thanked him, hugged and shared a moment, then said goodbye. She was satisfied with how they left off before he left for Denerim, but still...she felt a pang of sadness as she fell asleep, knowing that she would not see him again for nearly a month.

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