Chapter 3- Preconceptions

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Solona recieved a letter from Cullen.

She didn't expect it, but a week before he came back, She got a letter from him explaining what happened when he was there. Three things caught her eye.

1. He met a girl.

2. He got with girl.

3. He recently broke up with girl.

Oh! And....

4. He missed her.

With this, she was eager to see him again.  So when he got back, she was so caught up in catching up with him that she completely forgot and Neria's Harrowing- and before she knew it, Neria was being carried into our quarters, Jowan fawning all over her. She felt such relief at seeing her well...but such shame at not even noting her absence from the library- and Jowan's side, for that matter.

But that day, that day of the morning when she woke up, Jowan was acting incredibly strange. Solona and Cullen had just started officially seeing each other, but her giddiness did not blind her from his lurking around.

"What are you doing?"Solona asked Jowan, who had his ear pressed up against Irving's door, listening to Neria and Irving's conversation. Jowan jumped.

"N-nothing!" He exclaimed, then cast a longing glance at the door and fully faced me. Solona sighed.

"Jowan, you've been acting really strangely!" Solona said, running a hand through her hair. Jowan squinted at me.

"Oh, and you haven't? Sneaking out late at night, sly looks at that templar?" Jowan said quietly. Solona glared at him.

"Ugh, you have a point." Solona muttered reluctantly. Jowan smirked at her.

"So. Join me in my stalking?" He offered. Solona narrowed her eyes, to which he responded by smiling at her. She sighed helplessly.

"Fine. " She relented, and stood beside him, listening in.

"......escort Duncan to his room?" Irving asked.  Solona's eyes narrowed. Duncan? Who's Duncan?
  "Certainly. I'd be honored." Came Neria's voice came. Then footsteps.

"Move!" Whispered Jowan, and he grabbed her arm, dragging her down the hall so they won't be spotted.

"Who is Duncan?" Solona asked Jowan as they tiptoed quickly down the hall. Jowan glanced back at her.

"I's the Grey Warden that arrived." He told her. Solona almost stopped in shock.

"A Grey Warden? Here?" She exclaimed, to which Jowan nodded. " seems that he wants to recruit Neria." Jowan said bitterly. Solona blinked.

"Jowan, that's not..." She started, but he glared.

"I know it's not a bad thing! Yes, she'll get honor, blah blah blah. But she is my best friend. I don't want to lose her!" Jowan cried, almost overdramatically. Solona rubbed her temples. How does Neria put up with this?
"Look, Jowan. If she wants to leave the circle, get some free air, have a life...Well, what kind of friends would we be to her if we begrudged her that?" Solona said, the familar edge back in her voice. She was starting to lose her temper. But something about what she said struck a chord somewhere in Jowan.

"Solona....Would.." He started, but stopped, seemingly deciding something.

"Would I what?" She snapped, becoming irritated with his standoffish attitude. But he just shook his head.

"It's nothing. I should go talk to Neria." He said, and scurried off.

"That....that was weird, right?" Cullen said, popping up behind her out of nowhere.

"Ahh! Cullen! Don't sneak up on me like that!" Solona said, jumping and gasping in surprise. Cullen put his hands up in apology.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I just...something about that guy...rubs me wrong." Cullen muttered, looking to the floor. Solona stared for a minute, then shook her head.

"What are you talking about?" She asked him, irritated. Her temper was literally up to here today. Cullen sighed tiredly.

"I'm talking about your "friend". There's talk, Solona." He said carefully. Solona breathed in a deep breath.

"What talk? Tell me!" She said urgently, grabbing his hands. Cullen looked her in the eye, scared for her.

"People think he is a blood mage, Solona."

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