(Chapter 2) Armageddon.

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( So far so good my readers. I hope you're enjoying this story as much as I am :) I hope you like this chapter! Again sorry for the bad grammar and spelling and that this took so long!💀)

You awoke to the whole building vibrating, the walls shaking, the clock on the wall bouncing on its nail.

You were terrified, your bed was moving with the movement of the world before the Horrific sound of something large being dropped far away from you hit.

Sending a new strong pulse of vibration through the building, the foundations of the outpost were based deep underground but still, you were able to hear everything from the surface.

You believed it was the end of the world, and in truth, you were not wrong! hearing the follow of sirens around the outpost before an automatic lockdown of the whole building, the running footsteps of all the guards running to their post.

You could only worry about Ms Venabel, how she would cope with all the movement as she was not with great balance anyway let alone a world breaking bombing.

Taking the opportunity between the bombs vibration to run out of your room, down the hallway to the stairs, trying not to lose your way through the building.

Grasping to whatever you could in the hope to keep your balance, hearing all the voices muttering to one another within the constant screaming of the warning siren, you somehow ignored it, however.

It was the thump that hit the ground that took you, hearing the cane drop with the body, automatically you knew who it was, spiing a new kind of strength within you, knowing that Ms Venable was more vulnerable than ever beofore in her life and although she was very proud needed help.

You gathered yourself to your feet, racing down the stairs, to your horror seeing Ms Venable struggling to her feet from the ground.

She saw you approaching you with speed, something about her looked relived an another ashamed.

"Ms Venable are you alright" you pant, kneeling down beside her, taking her arm before helping her to her feet, keeping your arm around hers taking her cane giving it to her other hand, she gripped it for dear life, clearly she had broken her normal cold character form the circumstances.

"Im fine Y/N" she muttered, she had pain in her voice but you knew she would rather die than show it. You lead her back to her office, the door was open, the fire had long gone out and the furniture was still in place, most likely nailed to the floor.

"I suppose your waning answers hmm" after Ms Venble was secure in her chair, knowing that she was alright, you looked to her in the hope you didn't have to answer that question but for it to be mere common sense as to explain the bombing.

"If you would be so kind" you reply, trying to stay as polite as possible, trying to avoid any unnessasery conflict.

"Well in short- Armageddon" she chuckled, toughing her head back in her disbelief at her own words let alone your facial expression.

"What do you mean... the end of the world, right now," you thought Ms Venable had lost her mind, it couldn't be? surly not.

"Well dear, i was told that what you can hear outside are millions of nuclear bombs being sent to destroy this cursed planet by the world leaders, in some kind of contract with the devil" she laughed, you were starstruck.

"then what is this place and why are we still standing if that's the case" more questions were just flowing out of you, no longer able to keep them inside.

"You know the idiots that ran Kineros Robotics?" she asked, looking to you with her deep brown eyes, you were still sitting on the floor by her feet, with her high on a chair, it was quite a sight.

I Know You Need Me! (Ms Venable x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now