(Chapter 4) Breaking.

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(Again I apologise for the slow updates! I am on holiday now so chapters will be more regular :) I hope you're enjoying this story so far! But I also have plans for a Dimitrescu Christmas special ;) So keep an eye out for that! other than that I hope you enjoy this chapter!! Slight NSFW warning and Bad spelling-Grammar)

The sinking but exciting feeling in your stomach distracted you from the chattering group of people behind you, all just as terrified as the other, you could literally smell their fear, or maybe it was just there body oder.

"Uhm Lady" one of the men spoke up, you turned around abruptly stopping the group in their stride, looking to the man with spiky blond, white-ish hair, glaring at him for the disrespectful way he had addressed you.

"First it is Ms Y/S and what is it" your tone matched Ms Venables normal cold and distent feel, almost proud of yourself but said nothing.

"Right Ms Y/L where the fuck are we?" he looked frustrated and relieved to be without the presence of Ms Venable.

"There is only so much information I can disclose but you are in Outpost 3 a safe haven to those lucky enough to survive the nuclear destruction of man and womankind" you didn't wait for him to reply only opened a door.

"Mr Gallent you will be sleeping here, there is a purple garment that is mandatory for you to wear in the social room and to every meal!" you let your eyes scan the group keeping their attention on you. "that goes for all of you, clothing has been provided for all of you" A man with white hair headed into the room, looking back to what you guessed to be his grandmother.

You closed the door, before moving t the next door down, " Miss Gallent you will be sleeping here, and as you know clothing with be provided for you" the older woman with short white hair stepped out looking bleak and terrified.

You went on like this placing the people with their assigned rooms, making sure to keep the special ones, as Ms Venable told you, the ones that had not paid for a ticket but had something special with their DNA.

By the end of it, you were already sick of them, feeling disrupted and irritated at their mere presence, Ms Mead felt the same way, giving you looked after one of them said anything.

The person who would irritate you the most had to be this chatty blonde who went by 'Coco' the daughter of a very rich man. She was just so obnoxious and snobby, wondering how anyone could be raised like that to just be so self-centred and rude.

It was sodifercut just to get her into her room and to shut up about herself and how inconvenient the circumstance was for her, no matter how much you wanted to just break her jaw and leave the room Ms Venable had instructed you to be as polite as she knew I could be. How could you say no to that?

But all the trauma and difficulty would not come without reward as you still had Ms Venable to see...


Walking down the steps in your modist outfit, trying to keep your anxiety at the minimum as you knew Ms Venable could smell fear, she lived for the sweet sweet smell of pure submission and suppressed urges.

You lingered outside her office for a few seconds trying to consol yourself before going into the lion's den.

Just before your knuckles met the cold wood Ms Venables voice echoed from the other side,

"Come in Y/N don't be afraid" you felt a sudden rush of butterflies, this change in the plan had caught you off guard, seeing your body to react, the blush burning your cheeks as you entered the room.

I Know You Need Me! (Ms Venable x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now