Chapter 3

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Sunday afternoon was always a good time within the Loud House, since it was the last day of the weekend most were trying to enjoy every last second of it; so how was Lloyd enjoying his day off? He was spending it lazing around on the sofa.

He was currently in the midst of watching the new season of his favorite show, it's called 'Prison Break' It was season five and he just learned that Micheal is coming back.

And he couldn't wait for it.

"May I have the television?" Lloyd blinked for a moment before he looked over to the side of the sofa to see Lucy staring blankly at him.

Lloyd just looked at her, mostly because of her appear trick she had the habit of doing. But otherwise just tossed her the remote without batting an eye, "Sure." He was no longer in need of the TV since he just finished his show.

"Thank you." Lucy climbed up and took a seat next to him as she changed the channel.

"I'm guessing your shows on today as well?" Lloyd asked, not really caring that his sister was probably planning to watch something emo and scary; knowing she could do it without so much as gasping. Heck he could remember when Lucy was born and didn't make a sound, strangely she just stared.

Before he could get an answer they saw Lincoln sliding down the stairs before landing on his feet with a smug smirk, "Okay, Lloyd what if I told you Lori was using your laptop to face chat with Bobby."

"She better get off it, she has a phone for a reason. Also I'm not using the TV." Lloyd replied making Lincoln look excited as he didn't need to distract his brother from the TV.

"Then their we go, I might not be the fastest, nor the strongest, but to get all my sisters and brother out of the way, it pays to have a plan." Lincoln spoke, "Then dear brother may I please watch the TV?"

"Sorry lil bro first come first serve." Lloyd stated.

"But you just said you we-"

"I'm watching it." Lucy said suddenly appearing in front of the white haired boy.

"AAAHHH!" Lincoln screamed falling to the ground. "Lucy!" Lincoln said wide eyed turning to face his goth sister, "I always forget about Lucy!"

"Story of my life." Lucy spoke in her usual quiet tone, but didn't sound upset by the comment.

"Can't blame us, after all the whole disappearing and reappearing Batman act is spooky." Lloyd said as Lincoln nodded agreeing with him.

"What are you even doing here?" Lincoln asked her, as he assumed that she would be in her room reading a book or something.

"It's the season premiere of my favorite show, Vampire of Melancholia."

"But today is the new episode of ARGGH, everyone at school tomorrow is going to be talking about it!" Lincoln held up a TV guide while gesturing towards the imagine of ARGGH on it, "Please let me watch it? Pretty please with a black cherry on top?"

"Dude might as well stop with the begging, you know how it goes." Lloyd said looking over to him, "She was here first."

"NOOOOO!" Lincoln screamed out before he spotted the remote and took it, before licking it. "Ha!"

"That's the old remote that Lily threw into the toilet." Lucy stated before she held up the new TV remote.

"And Lynn had a spicy sub, and didn't flush." Lloyd added while looking at the TV.

"Ah, gross!" Lincoln clawed his tongue as he spat multiple times before going down and weeping on his knees. Lloyd wasn't sure if it wasn't from not getting to watch his show or from knowing he had licked something really disguising.

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