Chapter 2

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Lloyd smoothly mashed the game controller's buttons as he played a fighting game with Lincoln in the living room, "And..." Lloyd smirked as he pressed the button to use his character's special move, "I win!"

"No fair!" Lincoln looked to his brother, "I demand a rematch!"

"Sorry, no can do Stickin." Lloyd stood up ruffling Lincoln's hair with a laugh, as he picked up a backpack, "I got classes."

"On a Saturday?" Lincoln looked at him confused with a raised brow.

"Yeah, later loser." The young man chuckled as he walked to the door picking up his skateboard.

Lincoln stared forward at the wall, "Lloyd has already graduated from school, yet he still attends some weirdo classes. He was top of his class, I'm sure he can get into any school he wants. He should be looking at colleges, instead of that he's still attending classes. So there's something else at play here."


Lloyd walked into a building, it not taking him long to reach so. He walked down the hallways and into a room where he was met with a middle aged man with a mustache and glasses, "Hey, Mr. Jackson."

"Well, good morning Lloyd." The man smiled, "Glad to see you could make it."

"I only missed like... Three classes." Lloyd said a sly grin.

"Yes, the classes you missed were the days that you were going to take the test that would finally allow you to graduate." The man said causing the young man to groan slightly.

"I already graduated though." Lloyd said.

"Yes and no, your missing a science credit. Never took that chemistry final, huh?" Mr. Jackson raised his brow at him, "Or did you perhaps miss it on purpose."

"Now why would you think that?" Lloyd asked with a semi-hurt voice.

Mr. Jackson only let out a sigh, "Lucky for you Mr. Loud, I managed to convince the higher ups to give you another chance at the test rather than retaking the whole class." Mr. Jackson said with a smile.

"Oh, yes lucky me." Lloyd swirled his finger.

"You're only denying the inevitable, I've looked at your grades. You have so much potential, and I won't let you waste it." Mr. Jackson placed a hand on Lloyd's shoulder.

"Can we just get started for today?" Lloyd asked wanting to change the subject.

"I'm ready when you are, Lloyd."

"Then let's get this over with." Lloyd took a seat in a desk and Mr. Jackson took a seat across from him and they started to do some work.


"Yo, big dude." Lloyd looked over and saw Luna walking up to him with her guitar as he walked out from the building, "What are you doing here?"

"Could ask you the same, sis?" Lloyd asked looking at her, "I'm just here to do something, anyway you?"

"I was at a gig when I happen to run into you." Luna said as they started to walk home together.

"Oh, how did it go?" He asked.

"Awesome, like always dude!" Luna grinned pumping her fist in the air. "You need to come to one of my gigs."

"I'll think about it." Lloyd shrugged.

"You better bro, I'm gonna rock!" She bobbed her head.

"Yeah, sure." Lloyd nudged his shoulder against hers slightly, "As long as you don't go stage diving on some little bras."

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