Part 2

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Bucks POV:
Me and the team and Eddie. Responded to a emergency and now we are all in the truck heading back to the department
  "So is your name edwardo?" I annoyingly ask staring out the window of the fire truck
  "Uh no" says Eddie
"So what? We all have nicknames here you have cap, hen, chim and buck we can't just call you Eddie." I state
  "I-uh is he serious?" Eddie asks hen
  "You know what I don't think anything he says is serious at this point" says chim and hen.

Back at the station and we are all just chilling with eachother and annoying one another.
      I decided to branch off from the team to decide to work on my look for the April calendar since we'll I'm gonna win.
   I head to the gym and to my surprise who do I see there? Eddie. Well and chim
    I decide to ignore him as long as he doesn't get in my way we won't have a problem.
   I start lifting and decide to take a picture to check my progress "you know this is terrible lighting for photos?." Says Eddie butting in
   "What do you mean?" Says chim
  "Well this light in here makes you look soft you need natural light to make you look more masculine" claims Eddie
   "I do look masculine in here." I annoyingly say
  "Look take a look at these pictures I took with natural light to send in for the calendar" Eddie shows chim his phone
   "Woah these are really good pictures" chim says calmly
  I decided to take a look at eddies phone to see what this show off is talking about
  "This guy is clearly cheating he is using a professional photographer the photos are supposed to be all natural" I blatantly say
  "Yeah if you count that photographer to be 12 years old then sure. My niece she is really good with the iPhone filters" Eddie laughs with chim
  "Hey do you think she would be willing to take mine for the calendar?" Chim says
   "I mean yeah sure I don't see why not." Eddie says
  "I don't even think them taken that good will get you in chim..that's all I'm trying to say no offense." I bluntly state
  "Yeah no offense..Evan" is all chim says as he walks away to continue working out
  "Pshh" I scoff
  "What's your problem man?" Eddie walks over to me slowly saying
   "Okay you know what? You your my problem you can't just waltz in here and act like you have done this before and like you own the place" I bluntly say

TO BE CONTINUED -teenageddream13❤️

*again most of the words are not exactly what they said but I don't exactly remember so I improvised*

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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