3-Meeting/Third day

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Sorry I've had this chapter on hold for a WHILE! Like the last time I edited this thing was back in March..I wanted to make it longer apparently but I thought this would be a good enough place to end it off.
"Who else is in there?"
You stood in front of the large grey door, with a sign in the center labeled "Parts and Service". Foxy stood beside you protectively, and pointed a hook down the hall.
"It be best that we keep moving, lass," he murmured to you. You only nodded, looking back at the door as Foxy led you away with his hand. Once the door was out of view, you looked ahead. You passed the familiar party room near the exit, and....near the front stage. You tugged at Foxy's arm, stopping him in his tracks.
"Are you kidding me?" You whispered harshly. "Those guys want to kill me!"
Foxy leaned over to your eye level. He was a good ways taller than you, after all. "But that's what ye thought about me, isn't it? Besides, I can take those puny little rascals any time I want." You gulped at Foxy's mischievous grin. He turned back on track and led you around to the show stage. It felt like stage fright-frozen in place, heart thumping, eyes wide.
But instead of being met with some kind of harm or embarrassment, you were met with a hug. Toy Chica held tightly onto you bouncing up and down with excitement.
"Um...." you trailed off.
Chica plopped you down on the floor and flicked at your uniform. "And your uniform looks good on you, too! Oh my gosh!" She had one hand on her hip, leaning back to gesture at your face. "You got all the looks, and I can already tell she's gonna get it with the personality test."
You flushed a bit at the rush of compliments.
"You can stop now, Chica." Toy Freddy grumbled, stepping off the stage. Chica sighed.
"Fiiiinne, maybe I was exaggerating just a tiny bit! But she does look good, though." She smirked at Freddy, then turned to Bonnie. "And we know just how silly Bonnie's been feeling." She teased, putting on a mock sad face....somehow. These animatronics were surprisingly expressive.
Toy Bonnie swiped the flush off his face and approached you. "Sorry if we scared ya earlier, hon, we've just had some bugs lately...but now that that's out of the way, what would your name be? I assume you already know all of us. Haha."
"I'm Y/N," you stated with a small smile.
"Yeah, it's on her shirt, too." Toy Freddy huffed. "Anyways, we just wanted to get some introductions done, so we're all cool. The last guy to come in wasn't really cool, so....he had a rough time." Freddy shrugged, but a flash of Jeremy's terrified expressions flashed into your head.
"Um.....are we cool, though?" You shrunk back a bit from Freddy's gaze.
"Oh, yeah. We're cool." He shrugged again before turning to the stage. Chica followed after adding a couple eyebrow raises in your direction.
"Thanks, Foxy, for taking her over," Bonnie said.
"Heheheh, it was a team effort." Foxy chuckled. Bonnie laughed too, leaving you confused in the dark. Foxy walked past you both down the hall. "Well, I'd better get back to Parts and Service. And just a quick warning, Y/N," you turn to him and your heart quickens. He turned around with a dangerous glint in his eye. "I'll try to help ye tomorrow, but keep checking up on Parts and Service, would ya?"
You nod slowly. Toy Bonnie stood next to you and sighed.
"This is sad," he said. "I like you, Y/N, and I hope you stay in this job."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, a lot of people try to quit because the third night in particular. There are two ways you can play it tomorrow-follow the Phone Guy's instructions and aggravate the other models, or you listen to my instructions."
"So? What do I do?"
"I'll tell you tomorrow when you first walk in. M-Maybe come a bit early? I don't want to rush you." Bonnie hopped onstage next to Freddy. He mouths "you'll be fine", before closing his eyes and shutting down for the night. You gulped nervously and left the building as the 6 am bell began to chime.

You'd been chilling the whole following day, trying to catch up on chores, sleep, shopping, sleep, etc. You guessed that was an upside of having nightshift, the entire day was free to you if you didn't spend it all sleeping. Which was honestly, kind of nice. You were more of a night time person, anyway. So you walked through those doors feeling refreshed.
The opening scene was the main party room with the open stage and large party tables in rows. You maneuvered around the misplaced chairs and stood by the show stage. None of the animatronics moved.
"Psst! Bonnie!" You hush-yelled at him. Bonnie's eyes slowly opened, almost with a more human reaction to being woken up. You discard the thought and stare up at him. "You said you had instructions for me to follow."
"Oh, r-right," Bonnie stammered a bit before sitting on the edge of the stage. "Whatever you do, don't flash the flashlight. It really aggravates the other models, and I don't think you'll have to worry about Foxy since he's in our side now. Don't worry if you do see one one in the hallway cameras, the older ones usually take the vents like we do. Foxy's gonna keep the hall clear for ya just in case. Just check the cameras, and you'll be fine. Be ready to use the mask on the old ones...um....oh yeah, and try not to converse with them before I try to."
"Wait, how do I know when you've already talked to them? Would you come and tell me you've talked to them?" You question.
"Oh, um. Y-Yeah, that sounds a lot better, actually. I'll just do that, then." The 12 am bell chime echoed through the building. "U-Um, I won't take long to convince the guys you're safe with us. But just in case, just follow my instructions. You have a few minutes to get to your office. Good luck, Y/N." Bonnie said urgently, ushering you out of his presence.

You sat down in your desk, rubbing your palms together to calm the prickling anticipation in your fingers. You flickered through the cameras briefly, but passing through the Prize Corner, you realized something. Was that one animatronic not there? You'd been warned to keep the music box wound up, but it seemed to stay that way on default. Even the couple nights before, the brief time spent in that office, there was no concern for the Prize Corner. You'd have to ask Toy Bonnie about that.
"Doesn't matter right now, though I'll keep a tab on that," you murmured to yourself. "Now, what could be happening in Parts and Service?" You clicked on one of the cameras, furthest to the top left corner on the monitor. Only darkness and static filled the screen, but when you turned on the light, you were met with a disturbing image. The three old, broken down animatronic models laid on the floor.
The one most direct in the camera's view was old Bonnie. His face had been completely torn off, leaving a large dark gap above his hanging lower jaw. To his right was who appeared to be old Chica. You could only see her head from the camera's angle, but her large eyes seemed to bulge out of her head. In addition, her beak was torn down so the lower jaw dangled loosely with multiple strings and chords attaching it. Finally was old Freddy, to the left of old Bonnie. He didn't seem in as bad shape as the other two, a few wires dangling out from here and there from what you could tell. His top hat lied in the floor and his hand still held his microphone.
You sighed. Old Chica probably freaked you out the most. Lastly would be Foxy, but you trusted that he wouldn't be a bother for the night.
You switched through the cameras, not daring to touch the flashlight like Bonnie had warned you not to. With just the perfect timing, just as you finish a final round switching through all the cameras, there is a large bang and chime from not too far. You freeze and slowly inch your hand to the hallway camera.
Old Bonnie was standing there, and the Parts and Service room was open wide.
You sighed, shaking your shoulders out and remembering new Bonnie's words. Don't worry about it, just trust Foxy will take care of it. You looked up from the monitor, though, to see two white dots in the hall. You recognized them as a set of canny looking eyes, and your hand shot to the Freddy mask. You wanted to call for Foxy oh so badly at this point. The dots turned to red as they seemed to grow closer. They were also rocking up and down, like the animatronic was walking. Then the animatronic turned to the left and it was gone. You kept your hand clutching onto the mask as you switched to one of the party room cameras.
Old Bonnie was now standing in Party room 1. You exhaled and switched back to Parts and Service. Freddy and Chica were gone. But now you had a bit of reassurance that they wouldn't come charging straight down the pitch black tunnel up headlight. So you were more confident. Old Chica was in Party room 2 talking to Toy Freddy. She kept cocking her head to the side like she was confused and Toy Freddy kept facepalming, so you assumed things were going according to plan.
Old Bonnie was gone. There were a few thumps in the vent to your right. Problem solved, you didn't even bother to check the camera. Foxy emerged from the darkness ahead of you, sending a quick shiver down your spine before you remembered he was on your side.
"Y/N, the Toys want ye to come to the show stage." Foxy stated. He glanced to where you were staring-at the right vent-and tugged you along. "And quickly, as yer looking rather pale, lass."
"Yeah..." you trailed off, rushing off with Foxy. He led you down the hallway and let go of your hand.
"I need to go grab old Freddy in a jiffy, lass. I'll be quick as a sea serpent on a feeding frenzy." He smirked before turning away from you.
"Wai-" you cut yourself off. Old Freddy? Bonnie must've gotten through to them all, then. You walked ahead with another smidge of confidence added into your step. Turning the corner, you saw a pair of rabbit ears cast a shadow on the wall. "Bonnie!" You call out. Screw it at this point, you sped down to the show stage, only to find yourself face to "face" with. Old Bonnie.

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