Two Peas in a Pod

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Ezra taps his foot anxiously, looking out the diner's dirty window, waiting for his guest to show up. A sweet little blonde waitress with the brightest of red lipstick comes over and hands him a piece of silk pie and pours him some more coffee, winking as she walks away. Too bad she isn't curvy like his current boyfriend, he's going to miss that most of all.

A skinny lanky man appears, dressed in red plaid and blue skinnies. "Grimmy, you're late."

Nick stares at him unimpressed, rolling his eyes. "Nah you are just early. You didn't order me pie? Bastard."

Ezra sighs and lifts his hand to call over the pretty little waitress, asking for the damn piece of pie and more coffee. She quickly complies, them being the only ones on this side of the diner and all. Nick slowly adds his creamers and sugars, taking a long sip.

"What do you need Ezzie?"

Ezra smirks, "What, I can't call up an old friend and ask him for coffee?"

Nick raises an eyebrow, bringing the cup to his lips. "People do. You Ezzie, are not people. You only want what's the best for you and you only. Spoiled ass."

Ezra chuckles, shaking his head. "I have a job for you. A rather special, messy job. You think you can be up for it? I'll pay good."

"Keep talking."

"I have a certain someone that I'm growing tired of. His entire existence just pisses me the fuck off. I want him gone. I want his pretty little body tortured until he gives up."

"Fuck Ez, that ain't a problem. Who is it?"

"You remember Louis, my boyfriend."

Nick's eyes widen. "The one with the really nice curvy body and big juicy ass? Wow brother. How could you get tired of that body?"

"Easily. He defies me constantly and I need someone who will listen. He's not it. Now I hired another to attack him and they failed miserably. Are you up for it?"

"If it pays good, we're good. I already know the man for it. Text me a few pictures of him and where he works, where he hangs out, his friends names. We can get a plan going."

"I'm actually leaving for a business trip in 3 days. I'll be gone for 2 weeks to Los Angeles. Take as long as you need, the little brat deserves it. I recommend finding him quick before he tries to travel somewhere."

Nick nods, finishing his piece of pie. "You are sure about all this? Once he's dead, he's gone. Do you want us to hide the body, set up a scene, or what?"

"You can leave him there. I want it to be obvious he was tortured for days, I need my cover to stick that I was gone. He has a friend that is pissed that he received a promotion, could always lean that route."

"We will come up with something. Damn Ez. He's a fine piece of ass. Pretty little mouth. Ugh I'll make sure we get him good. I'm excited."

Nick enters his home, currently in Brooklyn. 20k to bring down a little Twink. It's on.

Nick- Need you at base now

Harry- otw

The tall man arrives 20 minutes later, stepping in and taking off his jacket. He kicks the snow off his brown Chelsea boots and walks to the den, finding his boss with a cigarette in hand.

"That was quick, were you nearby?"

His thin lips curve into a smile. "Yeah I was laying low. What would you ever need me for?"

Nick takes a drag, motioning him down. "Sit."

Harry sits on the sofa across from him, stretching his button down shirt to cover more. He rolls up his sleeves then leans back, crossing his legs.

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