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Y/n POV: 
"Greetings my dudes. Kenji is here, so let the party commence!" He said, walking up to the group. He then tossed his bag to Roxie. "Put this in my room." He said walking over to the boy that has yellow jacket. "So what's your deal?" He asked, as Roxie threw his bag at him, knocking him over. Roxie dusted her off her hands, looking at him, and Roxie walk back to the jeep while saying and acting like nothing happen; "Alright. Let's go!"as all of us walk towards the jeep. I sat beside a pink hair girl, a girl name Yasmina sat in front of the person that is sitting beside me as a girl name Sammy sat beside Yasmina and and the green jacket boy name Ben sat next to Sammy. A boy name Darius sat a seat away from me, smiling at me and Brooklyn. Darius went to sit closer to me, but Kenji sat in between me and Darius. Then Ben was feeling sick and said; "I hope you got my mom's note! I don't do well on windy roads!" as he gagging slightly, poor guy. And out of nowhere, Brooklyn started recording again. "Whats up Brooklanders? Its your girl Brooklyn, coming to to you live from the best place ever: Camp Cretaceous. Like and subscribe to join us as we unbox Jurassic World." Brooklyn said as she paused her recording. She then turned to us. "Okay, I need you all to say your name and a little of yourself. Anddddd. Action! Brooklyn said, as she turn her camera to Darius. "Oh! Uh, I beat this awesome VR game. I'm Darius by the wa-" Before Darius gets to finish what he was saying, Sammy cuts of Darius and began to say what she needs to say; "I'm sorry. I just can't believe you're Brooklyn and you're Y/n! Sammy said. As i got interested i look at her raising my eyebrow. "Oh and i'm Sammy Gutierrez! Total Brooklander! and a fan of you! Ka-pow! " Sammy said, as well as shaking hands with Brooklyn and me." "Oh! and my family supplies all the beef here. Thats how i got here " Sammy said. "Great to meet you Sammy!" Brooklyn said with a happy smile.
               "Nice to meet you as well!" I said. "Uh.. what's a Brooklander?" Darius ask clearly very lost. "Oh, thats just what my online followers call themselves." Brooklyn explain, then looking at her phone. "Uh.. all 27 million of us! Who knows? Maybe some day she'll catch up to y/n, 67 million." Sammy said. Kenji jaw dropped and his hand fall into Darius shoulder. He look at me but i didn't know since i was looking at the scenery. "Yep thats why Brooklyn gets her cellphone. She's famous. But i don't think y/n is the type to get her phone all day." Yasmina said stating the obvious. "Hold on." Kenji said. As i look at him. "Rich and famous? Oh meant to be!" Kenji said, as he wanted to hug me, and he did.
                Suddenly the jeep stopped, causing us well except me to look around. Roxie and Dave came out of the jeep, both looking intense as if they are hunters. "Uh.. Dave what's going on?" Ben ask. "Nothing to worry about!" Dave reply, but if you say that, then why do you have tazers and have an intense face? "But you should all definitely stay in your seats.." Dave added. Roxie and Dave went to the forest. After that we all stood in front of the edge except from Ben since he was a bit scared, so he stand beside us. Soon nothing happen until Darius saw something in the bushes...
                  "Uh.. guys?" Darius said, not getting anyone attention, while i just sat at the jeep as i told to. "Guys...?!" Darius said again which caught my attention. Before i get to answer him a small dinosaur came at him, knock him down scaring everyone beside's me. The small dino look at me and tilted its head as i tilt mine. It came closer and started to nuzzle my lap. Then Roxie ruining the moment, took out a blanket and catch it as well as putting it in a pet carrier. Darius was in shock and gasp. "Its a Compsognathus! (Short name for "Compsognathus" is Compy)" He said excitedly and looking at Dave putting it in the jeep. 
                   "Oh please. It took a blanket and a cat carrier to catch it. Boring." He said not please, and sitting back to the jeep. "Scared you pretty good" Darius sass him as well as smirking. Making the girls laugh including me. After a while the gate open and we have arrive at Camp Cretaceous dorm. It's kinda like a tree house. And to be honest, this is amazingly cool.
                   " Hey Brooklanders. Check this place out!" Brooklyn exclaim. "Isn't this the most amazing place you ever seen?!" Brooklyn added, with a big smile on her face. "Wow.. This is so cool.." i said, and it is. "Hey y/n if you think this is cool, you should see my penthouse." Kenji said, i look at him for a while and decided to pass. Brooklyn went to film Yasmina while i look around and see if there is any raptor pens, but of course there isn't any. 
                   "This place is almost as big as my family's ranch back home." Sammy said looking in a awe. "That's because, when we are up and running, the camp will house 500 kids and 160 staff." Roxie said. "Listen up! Announcement time, from your co-head counselors." Dave said, making us go near the stairs. "Ok everyone, theres some ground to cover. Curfew's at 8:00 p.m., and lights out at 9:00p.m. sharp." Roxie said, making all of the campers groan except for ben that made a soft "yes!". Then Roxie notice and said; "This is for your safety. We are in a dinosaur filled jungle and aside Y/n, none of you have any experience with these creatures." Roxie said. Before i went to the tree house Roxie continued. "You must always keep your distance, or you could seriously hurt, if not worse." Roxie said. This made Kenji groan. "Define 'worse'." Ben said. Before anybody could say anything, Dave said "Cabins are up that-a-way" pointing up. Yasmina then break the silence and said "First one to gets top bunk!" as Kenji grunts still running anyways. Sammy shouted a "whoo-hoo!" as i just walk there. 
                     After that we went in and talk a little detour and then picked a room, me and Yasmina shared room since Brooklyn says she wants the pink room as well as Sammy. Me and Yasmina unpacked our stuff and had a very quiet silence. Since i was bored i decided to look through my phone even if i shouldn't have. When it was evening Roxie told us to come outside and show us something.
                     After we arrived, the group was at a watch tower, staring at dinosaurs. Beautiful. I had a small smile since i seen this everyday but it was still cool to watch them in the sunset. "There's Brachiosaurus. Parasaurolophus. Stegosaurus. Ankylosaurus!" Darius shouted naming every Dino he sees. Before i get to say anything Brooklyn beat me to it. "Wow, you really know your stuff, dino-nerd." Brooklyn said to him impress. "Yeah not everyday you get to see a dino-nerd" i said. Kenji jaw was open and tried to impress us and said. "Check out the... Brontosaurus." pointing at something. "They don't have those i said and continue. "Common mistake" Darius then gasp and said. "Are those Sinoceratops? Where did you get those?" Darius said. Before Dave said anything i went to the other side and take a look to see them running. I then went back to the group and heard Dave said. "Enough banter. It's zip-line party time!" We then follow Dave and see a zip-line. "Me? Maybe Yasmina should go first, or... Darius? Uh.. or anyone?! I really don't-" Dave cut Ben by pushing him down to the zip-line while Ben's screaming like a crazy lady. Once the screaming lady (A.K.A Ben) the rest of us went to the zip-line. 
                      After that the rest of the groups went to their cabin they had a nice dinner. We all ate and still had some time so we talk. "Sooo where you guys from?" Sammy ask hoping to break the silence. "Well i'm from America" Darius said. "I'm from____" Kenji said. As they all said where there from it was my turn. "What about you Y/n? Where ya from?" Sammy ask. I was kinda panicking but then Roxie saved my life. "Alright guys its 9:00pm! Lights out so head to bed" The group groans and went to their beds and slept.
                      It's been a while and Y/n woke up and went outside and saw Kenji, Darius and Brooklyn talking, so she stayed and watch. She couldn't hear what their saying and so the 3 campers agreed on something and went to whatever their going and of course Y/n out of curious she followed them. Once the campers was at there destination they saw a pen. Y/n was confuse of what there doing but then she instantly realise it was a raptor pen and went to the bushes. She saw Kenji in the Raptor pen and saw blue too she was happy but was slight panicking because blue was going to eat him. 

Camp Cretaceous (Reader Insert) (Male! Human Raptor blue x reader)Where stories live. Discover now