Chapter 2: "Secret"

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                    Y/n saw blue was about to attack but then saw him sniffing Kenji. Y/n knew whats happening but had no time to waste and do what she needs to do but then saw Delta, Charlie and Echo. "Come on! The steam should keep 'em busy!" Darius shouted, however once the smoke was gone there was 4 raptors instead of 1. Y/n ran to the raptor pen and said "HEY OVER HERE!" The raptors perked up and saw Y/n. The raptors ran to Y/n as the boys was panicking since they thought she was about to get eaten but.. "Y/N!! WATCH OUT!" Darius shout. Y/n however didn't hear and ran the raptors got confuse until they saw y/n wink.
                    The raptors knows whats going on and 'pretend' that y/n is a dinner to them. "Hey! eyes on me" The raptor hissed at y/n but listen to y/n. The boys were in shock and saw y/n patted them. "Just stay in raptor form until i say u can hug me" Y/n whispered to the raptors knowing they want to hug Y/n. "Wow" Kenji said. 
                     "HEY! COME AND GET IT!" Roxie shout to the raptor throwing the meat to another direction. Delta, Charlie and Echo fell for it and went for the meat. However Blue watches the idiots going to eat the meat, but then blue turn to human form and hug y/n. Roxie then wants to ask y/n to hurry up but she saw this and was in shock, how can a raptor turn to a human? she wonders. Y/n hugs back to blue and ran to the gate. "That was AMAZING Y/n! How did you do that?! And Dave thank you for saving us!" Darius ask. "Oh thats nothing we do this stuff all the time." Dave said panting. "Excuse me" Dave said and soon right after he throw up. 
                      "Are you guys ok? Are you hurt? Roxie said being like a mom. Kenji tried to sneak away but was caught right away. (Ima skip this scene cause im lazy ;-;) 


                      After the lecture Roxie gave to Brooklyn she went to lecture Y/n. "Y/n.. Y-" "Save it. You're gonna say the same thing to Brooklyn anyways." Y/n cut off Roxie but then Roxie said "Yes i was but i also need to talk to you about something.. privately, so after i'm done talking to Darius and Mister V.I.P meet me outside" Roxie said. Y/n confuse but shrug and nods went outside. 
                      Before she went outside Roxie ask her to follow her when she's lecturing Darius and Kenji. Y/n watches Roxie and Dave scolding them and waited until Roxie was done. When Roxie and Dave was done, Roxie ask all of them to head to their rooms except Y/n. Roxie and Y/n went outside as Roxie began to speak. "Ok, so i ask you here is because.. I saw you hugging a raptor that turn to a human.." Y/n shock of how Roxie finding out and explain everything to her. 


                      It was morning and we ate breakfast, we then went to the jeep and saw a dug pile of poop. Roxie said something but Y/n wasn't listening since she was listening music. After quite awhile Y/n and the Campers arrived the lab. They went in to the lab and saw some DNA of dino's and some scientist as well some eggs of dino. "This is a rare window into the parks inner working's. Not just anyone can come here, you know." Roxie said to Brooklyn, fascinating. "Yep, this is where the magic happens." Dave said agreed to what Roxie said. He then shouted "Doc Wu-Wu!"
                      Y/n went to the other side of the lab and see more fascinating Dino's until she saw the Raptors side. She went in for a closer look and smile. After Y/n saw the raptors eggs she saw Doctor Wu, Oh how she despise him. 

                      "Alright, slow down! The lab isn't going anywhere!" Owen laugh bringing his little sister to the lab, where all the dino's were born. "Yeah! But last time we went there it was closed already! SO we have to hurry, slowpoke!" The 8 year old kid said, Y/n. Owen finally caught Y/n and went with her together. They went in and see dino's egg Y/n smile grew wider and looks at all of the fascinating dino eggs. "Excuse me Grady, but this is a restricted area. Not for kids" The man said.
                      "Oh c'mon this isn't any kid this is my sister, Y/n, Y/n this is Doctor Wu.And Mr Masrani said i could show her around." Owen said defending his little sister. "Well this is my lab, and i'm doing serious work here." Doctor Wu said. "And this is lab of yours Wu, is for me to see and you have no rights to talk, now can you?" Y/n said, sassing the Doc for ruining her vacation of seeing the lab. The Doc was angry and let her have a tour for 1 hour. The little Y/n was smirking for her victorious and had a look around.

/End of Flashback\
                        "Hello Doc" Y/n said, a bit annoyed. "Its Doctor Wu for you Y/n" Wu said slight annoyed as well. "Well then it's L/n for you" Y/n said sassing him a bit. Sammy then interrupt the argument and ask "Doctor Wu, Whats that?" looking at the DNA board. Doctor Wu explain's it and gets another questions as Y/n looks at somewhere else. When she heard cracking.
                         "Hey guys.. Theres an egg cracking" Y/n said. They all go to Y/n's direction and see's an egg moving. "Thats not possible" Wu said. They all gather around and look at the egg while the scientist takes a look at the cracking egg life form. "That Ankylosaurus has only been incubating for ten weeks." Wu said to the other Doc. The egg continues to crack and the tail came out, as the tail slime splatter to Ben's direction. "Oh-hh. Oh, ew ew ew! Get it off me! Get it!" Ben said, disgusted. Then we saw the Ankylosaurus had fully hatch, but a shell is still on its head as the Ankylosaurus roll of but thankfully, Ben caught it in time. Ben help the Ankylosaurus and took off the shell and sees the now Fully baby Ankylosaurus. We watch the Ankylosaurus in Awe and Brooklyn of course took picture. "Asymmetry? In my lab?" Y/n heard Wu said. Y/n heard them saying awes and wow so i got tired of it then i went to the other eggs. 
                            It has been quite awhile since were in the lab and Y/n got kinda bored seeing just 1 dino hatch. Then Y/n heard Wu furious talk. "Hey what's going on?" Y/n said before anybody gets to explain Doc Wu beat them to it. "Well your 'friends' has no respect at my lab and wonders around" Wu said to me but was glaring at Brooklyn. Y/n raise her eyebrow and gave him a 'Are you serious look' and he nods. 
                            Y/n being Y/n went to the truck and ready to head back to her dorm. The others was groaning and having sad looks since they didn't get to see more 'Fascinating' things. Y/n put on her earplugs and listen some music while the others just looks at the scenery. "Soo Y/n, How did you get so famous? Like how did you get famous without posting videos daily?" Brooklyn ask. Y/n looks at Brooklyn and decided to answer. "Well i take time to post since i need to edit and stuff but normally i just listen to music while drawing since it's more calmer." Brooklyn thanks Y/n for the advise and decided to follow her instruction. After awhile they saw the boys sweating at the poop pile. Y/n didn't really hear the conservation and just close her eyes and rest.

Camp Cretaceous (Reader Insert) (Male! Human Raptor blue x reader)Where stories live. Discover now