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rodrick parked his car in front of his house, everyone getting out of the vehicle.

"rodrick." his dad called out for him as soon as they stepped into his house.

"your teacher called" his mom spoke.

"mom, I have practice so-" rodrick started saying, Ben and Chris sitting quietly behind him.

"rodrick. that chemistry project was a mess" she cut rodrick off, sounding irritated.

"uh, guys you can go set up.." rodrick spoke after a sigh escaped his lips.

"I'm sor-" he mumbled after making sure Ben and Chris had left the room, his mom cutting him off once again.

"no band practices until you get a good grade on chemistry. your teacher was furious." she spoke, sounding irritated.

"you can't do that. I don't even know what that project is about and-" he quickly tried to defend himself, his eyes wide.

"then get someone who knows to help you. this is the last band practice until you get at least a B in that project" rodrick's mom said, now furious.

"mom..." his voice turned soft, trying to get himself out of trouble.

"did I make myself clear?" she said strictly.

rodrick sighed, nodded and walked down to the basement where the other band members were done getting their equipment ready.


"y/n when will I see my prince?" your little sister whined, tugging your jeans.

you groaned and grabbed the telephone. your sister's face lit up as you dialed heffley's number.

"hello?" you heard the other line pick up.

"hey Mrs heffley" you spoke as politely as you could.

"oh, how are you dear?" she sounded a bit irritated, but you didn't want to know any details.

"I'm okay... is rodrick home?" you quickly asked.

"oh... well, yes. I'll give the phone to him..." you heard her muffled voice call his name and the rock music stopped.

"what" he spoke on the phone after a loud groan.

"wow, rude" you joked and his voice softened.

"oh, hi y/n... uh, did you need anything?" he asked, a bit more politely.

"yeah... are you doing anything right now?" you tried to put on a slightly flirty act to soften up rodrick's mood.

"I'm practicing with the band... not the whole band. the... uh, Bill is sick so-" he blurted out.

"yeah okay perfect. I'm on my way" you quickly cut him off, satisfied with his answer.

"oh... what?" he spoke, a loud *beep* sounding from the other line.

"come on, you little demon... you're seeing your prince" you looked at your ecstatic little sister and she chuckled, crawling in your arms.

you carried your sister to rodrick's house, his mom answering the door.

"hi honey, he's in the basement" she said, smiling.

"thank you" you smiled back, your sister getting excited as you walked to the basement.

you knocked on the door and rodrick immediately answered it, leaning on the doorframe, his usual smirk on his face.

"well hello... princess?" he looked at the happy girl, confused.

"she's all yours" you chuckled as you passed your sister to rodrick.

"wait, what??" he looked at her confused as she clung to him.

you laughed and waves at the rest of the boys before you closed the door, walking back to the living room.

rodrick stayed looking at the kid in his arms, your sister staring back at him.

"what the fuck is that..." Ben shouted.

"hey. no swearing" rodrick covered your sister's ears as she chuckled.

"she looks nothing like y/n" Chris mumbled.

"doesn't act like her either..." Ben added, watching the girl play with rodrick's hair and kissing his cheek.

rodrick sighed and put your sister down on an old chair.

"dude she's gonna cry" Chris spoke, remembering their music is too loud for a 7-year-old.

rodrick got on his drums and looked at your sister.

"any songs you have to suggest?" he chuckled.

"yeah like twinkle twinkle little star?" Ben said jokingly, making your sister frown.

"you're not funny. I want Chelsea!!" she pouted at rodrick.

"you what?" rodrick said, confused.

"Chelsea, Chelsea doo doo dooo" your sister hummed the rhythm of a song.

Chris and Ben watched as rodrick got up and picked your sister up, running upstairs.


"did you... come for rodrick?" rodrick's dad asked, sounding unsure.

"oh, no..." you politely smiled at him.

a toddler screaming sounded around the house, little Manny appearing suddenly out of his room. the toddler started running to you, imitating an airplane and clung to your leg.

you chuckled, picking Manny up and he hugged your neck tightly.

"there's my baby..." you mumbled and rocked Manny in your arms, smiling a bit.

"what just happened" rodrick's dad looked dumbfounded as you walked to the couch, playing with Manny in your arms.

"so... rodrick isn't "her baby"... Manny is" rodrick's mom connected the dots, watching you.

"yeah..." his dad mumbled.

"and there I thought rodrick had a nice girlfriend for once" she chuckled, looking at her husband.

"like that'll ever happen..." he chuckled.

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