Chapter Six

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I finish the washing up while Hobi sits outside, working on lyrics. I told him I'd do it and told him I had to make a call.

I glance at him in the hammock outside, the wind gently playing with his hair. He's scribbling on that worn out lyric journal. He's got so many songs in there he's working on. Two notable are now recorded but he hasn't published them because they're for me...One of them is even titled Hyun-Aeah... A little too obvious...

He works hard for ARMY, for BTS, for himself. One thing comforts me in all this. I know that Hobi is so loved. No matter what, he will always have BTS, he will always have ARMY, and I'll be looking out for him.

Our eyes meet from afar and his lips stretch into a smile.

It's a simple exchange but it brings me happiness.

He looks back at his lyric journal and I hang the cloth before picking up my phone and dialling Yoongi's number.

I'm surprised when he picks up right away.

"Hello, Hyun-Aeah? Are you okay?" I close my eyes upon hearing the fear and concern in his voice.

"I'm okay." I reply calmly. Yoongi sighs on the other side. "Sorry, I should've given you a heads up." I mutter and he promptly disagrees.

"No, no. It's okay! I'm very glad you're okay." I chuckle half-heartedly before clearing my throat,

"I need to ask you something." I go straight to the point, glancing outside to make sure Hobi is still out there.

"Yeah what's up?" He inquires kindly.

"I...could you...I need your advice. Should I tell Hobi?" A long and. Heavy silence follows my question.

"Yes." He responds very seriously. I'm surprised but I expected. Everything tells me I should. But I'm so afraid. "Hyun-Aeah. I know this is very hard. And I know how hard it already was to tell me."

I nod although he can't see me, not feeling strong enough to speak up.

"You're strong. You're the strongest person I know. You can do this. J-Hope will need you. If he finds out too late, he'll hate himself, he'll beat himself up, he'll feel guilty for the rest of his life. You owe him the truth. He's got it all wrong. He thinks you two are growing apart when you should be closer than ever. That's not right, Hyun-Aeah. That's not right."

I sniffle through the phone and wipe the rebel tears which made their way down my face.

"But it's so hard." I whisper. "I'm so afraid."

"Fuck, I wish I could hug you right now. Listen, it's natural for you to be afraid. But if Hobi knows you won't be as afraid. You won't be alone anymore. Don't you miss the feeling of having no secret of perfect understanding?" He pauses to receive an answer and I take a deep breath before answering his painful question.

𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝑻𝒆𝒏 𝑫𝒂𝒚𝒔 • 𝑱𝑯Where stories live. Discover now