▪︎ Chapter 6 - Over trusting ▪︎

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Warning/s: short

Should lowkey update my books more often and maybe post better chapters.

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I felt... warm, the same warmth I'd feel if I were in a house... The crackling sounds of a fire and a few occasional bumps were quiet but loud enough to alert me to the place I was in.

With a glance around, I imagined a less shabby-looking house but, it was still better than the cold outside.

I had a pretty bad headache, but that seemed to be the only pain I had. The once gashed and bleeding wounds were gone, a faint scar on my face and my stomach were all that remained. I was pleasantly surprised, but I still wondered what exactly did that.

Was I asleep for so long that they just healed? No way. They would have taken a few weeks at most. I would be dead if I didn't eat or drink anything for that long.

But there was no one here, just me. I don't remember how I got here, I just remember passing out before getting to the city. This hut was sloppily made, not something you'd find in the city, so I never made it there.

I pulled myself back to my feet and patted myself down. All my things were still in my pockets, so I wasn't robbed. No cookie was kind enough to nurse me back to health and not have their way with my stuff.

Something was up, and I wasn't going to stick around to find out what it was. I gathered myself and got up, dusting my clothes off. I stepped over to the door and reached for the handle. A pull handle.

The door was weightless as I pulled it, causing me to fall back a little, before getting crushed by another entity. The door was being pushed open, the cookie was trying to flee into the house just as I was trying to get out.

The eye contact was instant, and within the next second, I screamed and tried to scramble back. The cookie had a fear-stricken look as he covered my mouth, making a shushing motion with his other hand.

I tried shaking his hand by violently jerking my head from side to side, but then he used his other hand to grab the back of my head and keep me quiet. In a quick motion, he kicked the door closed and crawled up next to me. Only then was his quickened and irregular breathing heard.

My attempt to get away was shut down when I heard something much worse from outside. The familiar howls of a cake werewolf, it was close by. That's why he was trying to get me to pipe down.

I shoved his hand away, now as quiet as can be, and scooted away from him. He looked over at the crackling fire and then started throwing dirt over it, killing it off. Now it was dark, not a blinding dark but something of an eerie atmosphere.

The baby howls of the cake hounds followed after the brute, it was a pack of them. It sounded far enough away to not cause trouble unless you made too much noise.

"Well, this was unforeseen." I heard the cookie whisper, I turned to him. He had scooted closer to me again, peeking through the stick walls of the hut.

"Who are you exactly?" I asked, grateful that he knew what to do about the cakes but still scared of what his intentions were.

"My apologies, I'm Healer Cookie. I found you collapsed in the field just outside of that large city. I brought you back here to monitor you and nurse you back to health. I wish we were able to first talk under better circumstances." He whispered, careful to not be too loud. I was still wary of him, but he seemed to be telling the truth. That explains why I'm all fixed up, without having to go to a hospital.

"And you? Why is a cookie such as yourself out and about such dangerous territories?" He asked, standing up and walking over to his shelf of things. I wasn't too sure myself.

I thought for a second, "I don't remember. The last thing I did was pack up to visit my aunt across my little town. One minute, I was walking there, and the next, I was on the ground staring back at some scary cookie." I told him, he listened as he prepared something on the flat piece of wood on the floor.

He nodded, handing me a small plate of food. It wasn't the prettiest but it smelled like food. I should have watched to make sure he didn't poison it.

He sat next to me, not as close as before, but close enough to hear each other with a low whisper.

"What is your plan now?" He asked, eating his food. It was nearly gone in a matter of seconds. It's either really good food, or he's just really hungry, but I've never seen a cookie eat that fast.

I sighed, "Get back home I guess. I kinda left with my family in shambles. I think next year, I'm going to try and get a job. There's this really weird food stand. Something about Deep Fried Butter, I may as well ask if I can work for him for a while." I took a bite of my food. It was food, not on the same level as my mother's cookie but, a hell of a lot better than starving, no offense to this healer cookie-

He nodded with a small smile, "I can escort you there, but first we'd need a map. I don't know this area very well." Perhaps he wasn't from around this area either, I wonder if he too is lost. He would have told me if he was, so maybe it's sensitive information, I won't ask.

The infrequent howls slowly dulled out, it was safe to be outside and talk at a normal level. We both discussed the best place to get a map, and decided on the city. He looked apprehensive with the idea and mentioned something about a disguise. Maybe he's a serial killer on the run-

"I need something to cover up my eyes, and this." He pulled out his staff. It was a little flower, not sure how that would cause problems but, no problem.

Tonight would be a night of planning, where to get a map and what to do about paying. Stealing wasn't an option, It would leave me with a guilty conscience. Maybe we could bargain with some of the stuff we had, instead.

It was weird scheming with this cookie as if I had not met him a few hours ago. Talk about over-trusting. What if he stabs me in the middle of the night, or robs me of my organs. I don't know this person, at all, aside from what he's told me about himself. He could have lied about it all. Sounds like the plot to a horror movie, where the poor yet stupid victim trusts the new person without a second thought. Perhaps, I should sleep with one eye open.

He giggled and laughed out a 'sorry' as he brushed the dirt out of my hair, not meaning to throw it up into my face when he was digging up the fire pit. Or maybe, he was rather harmless, possibly a little clueless. What an odd cookie...

Not The Way I Used To Be [Pure Vanilla Cookie x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now