"Chapter 7"

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They continued to stand awkwardly between each other, Meredith rocking slightly on her toes, her balance not being great due to the huge baby bump she was carrying. Derek took a moment to take her in, wondering how, even pregnant, she was still glowing, still the most beautiful woman ever to him.

"How far along are you?" He asked, breaking the silence, Meredith smiling slightly.

"Just over 5 months"

"So you found out when we broke up?" She shook her head, looking down as she placed her hand on top of her bump.

"No actually, I was a month along when I found out" She admitted, Derek nodding.

"I wanted to tell you" She blurted out, Derek opening his mouth to speak but she continued to ramble.

"I mean, when I took the test I knew you should know but then Mark said you were with Rose and the idea got worse and worse and I didn't want you to come back to me because of the baby, I wanted you to come back because you wanted me. It's selfish but I didn't want you to resent me" She admitted, Derek's face softening even more.

"I don't blame you for not telling me Meredith, and I am sorry that you were even in the position to keep it from me. That was my own fault, and the reason behind you not telling me isn't selfish at all" She was glad he wasn't angry, relieved he understood. It was making the situation a lot easier on her.

"It's a boy" She said after a while, Derek's face lighting up, Meredith feeling tears sting her eyes at the childish look on his face.

"We're having a boy?" She nodded, Derek laughing slightly, a tear rolling down Meredith's cheek.

"We're having a boy" Through the wooden door, the three had their heads pressed against the door, huge grins on their faces as they heard the exchange.

"They're having a boy- did you know" Cristina mimicked with a smirk, Alex laughing.

"Can we leave now?" Alex asked, Mark nodding, slowly opening the door up. Meredith and Derek stared at the trio, Cristina grabbing Alex's arm, dragging him to the doorway.

"We will see you tomorrow Mere" She said, holding up her thumbs before pushing Alex out the door, shutting it over behind her. Mark stood next to Meredith staring at Derek who suddenly felt uncomfortable under his gaze.

"You need to sit down" He said after a few seconds, looking at Meredith who just nodded, walking to the couch, slowly sitting down, wincing slightly.

"What happened?" Derek questioned, remembering the crisis that had happened which brought him to Mark's in the first place.

"It's fine, I have a low lined placenta so Addison is going to monitor it"

"It isn't fine Meredith, you need to take it easy" Mark argued, his protectiveness on overdrive due to the extra presence with them.

"How is Addison going to treat it if it doesn't go back to the normal shape?" Derek asked, wanting to know everything he possibly could.

"With some medication. If it isn't normal 2 weeks before I am due she is going to book me in for a c-section" Derek nodded, crossing his arms over his chest. He looked back up at Mark who was staring at him with narrow eyes.

"I think I am going to go to bed. Just send Addison in when she comes back" Meredith said, much preferring the awkwardness from before than the testosterone floating around the room currently. Mark helped her stand, opening the bedroom door, Meredith shaking her head as she shut it over on them, the two falling back into the awkward silence as they stared at each other.

"How long has she been living with you?" Derek asked, Mark moving to the kitchen, leaning against the side, still not breaking his stare on Derek.

"Since she found out. I've been making sure she looks after herself, helping with keeping her up to date with surgeries while she isn't in"

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