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this is inspired by the ao3 fic "it's beginning to feel a lot like christmas" by andromedusia.

December 21st 2020
alex smiled stiffly at co-workers she passed as she walked down the corridor to bradley's dressing room, painfully conscious of how loud her heels were on the polished floors.

her and bradley had been growing interestingly close for quite a while now but alex knew this decision was rash, and probably a horrible mistake.
after contracting and overcoming covid and since their realisation of how much they wanted to actually be friends, they'd been talking a lot more, spending more time comfortably in each other's presence.
they were happier and clearly audiences were happy because their ratings had more than doubled since they started to spend more time together.

alex knocked tentatively...
"come in"
alex opened the door to find bradley sat at the vanity, texting someone.
the smaller woman blinks, suprised to see her co anchor at her dressing room door, uninvited, which was still rare for alex.
"hi" alex smiles, shutting the door behind her.
"ermm i just wanted to quickly ask you something"
alex moved across the room and sat down on the sofa, her forearms leaning against her thighs, hands clasped together.
bradley spun her chair to face alex.
"are you ok? you seem a bit nervous" bradley laughed nervously, her mind running through the possible bombshells alex could be about to drop on her.
"yes i'm umm, i'm fine"
she wasn't fine. she was terrified of being rejected or overstepping and losing this new found friendship.
"you said laura was gonna be gone till after the holidays right?"
bradley was shocked to hear alex asking about her girlfriend.
"ermm- yeah she said she'll be back late january."
alex pursed her lips, nodding.
"i only ask because i'm going upstate to my sister jens"
"huh, i didn't know you had a sister" bradley chuckled.
"no not many people do..."
bradley noticed that alex seemed very uncomfortable talking about her sister, for a reason unknown to bradley.
"anyway theres this tradition we have where one year she comes to manhattan, the next year i go up to maine. and we rotate, we have done for literally decades."
alex feels like she's starting to ramble, she tells herself to get to the point.
"this is the first year i'll be going alone. obviously jason isn't coming and lizzy wants to spend the holidays with him and his new...girlfriend" alex took a deep breath, clearing her throat as she lets her eyes flick to bradley's to gage her reaction so far. right now she looks both confused and sympathetic.
"i remembered you wouldn't be spending the holidays with laura and i- i thought to save us any, you know embarrassment or loneliness, i would ask if you maybe wanted to come up with me?"
alex held her breath as she looked up at bradley's reaction.
bradley was completely taken aback, she was still getting used to the fact that she'd actually managed to befriend the infamous ice queen, and now she's inviting her to spend christmas and new years with her!!?!?
"i-i err-i"
"you know what it's fine, forget i asked...i'll just erm" alex cleared her throat, standing up and taking long strides so she could reach the door and be out of that dressing room as soon as possible. her face and neck were burning up at being rejected.
"alex wait!"
alex turned just as her hand found the door knob.
"i would love to come with you" said bradley, trying to hide her smile.
alex's eyes immediately brightened as she took a deep breath, smiling back, thankful to hear those words come from her new friends mouth.
bradley struggled not to get lost in the toxicity of her co anchors confidence she seemed to glow with on hearing bradley accept the invite.
"ok great, i'll send over the travel info when i get home."
her hand grabbed the door handle.
before opening the door fully she looked back at bradley,
"we leave on the 22nd"
bradley's smile melted away.
"but that's tomorrow"
"yep" alex smirked, winking before swiftly exiting the room, leaving bradley slightly dazed and confused....

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