Sakuatsu Omegaverse

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    "So, what if." I started before getting shot a death glare from Suna.

"No, just stop it. You've said enough what ifs." Suna gritted out while closing his eyes and tightening his grip on his phone.

"Tsumu, just go home and talk to him!" I heard Osamu yell from the kitchen before hearing a bang sound. I slightly jumped at the noise as I watched Osamu enter the room with a scowl on his face. I quickly stuck up my hands in surrender and got up off of the couch.

"Do you need a ride back?" Suna asked while continuing to scroll through his phone.

"No, it's fine." I quickly replied while walking towards the door.

"I'll take you back so hold on."Samu said while quickly taking his apron off and throwing it at Suna. I watched Suna quickly remove the apron from his face and glare at Osamu.

"Jerk." Suna stated while going back to his phone. I let out a small laugh before quickly covering my mouth once Suna's glare turned towards me.

"Let's go." Samu stated while opening the door. I quickly followed after him and got into his car. I quietly looked out the window watching all the trees turn into blurs. "You better tell him and not push it off." Samu said, breaking the silence.

"But what if he doesn't..." I started while playing with my fingers.

"He won't trust me. Kiyoomi isn't a bad guy as much as I hate to admit it. And if Suna ever told me that news I would be beyond happy." Osamu interrupted while slowly peering over at me before looking back at the road. I felt a small smile spread across my face before looking back out the window. After a few more minutes we finally pulled up into my driveway. I watched the door open and Omi walk out and towards the car.

"Osamu have you seen Tsumu?" I heard him ask as Osamu quickly rolled down the window and lean back in his seat.

"I texted you where I was." I stated while crossing my arms and rolling my eyes towards him. I watched him walk over and open the door before leaning against it.

"You didn't send me a text or leave a note. You just left." He said while crossing his arms and raising his eyebrow towards me. I quickly pulled out my phone from my back pocket and went into messages. I opened the private messages between the two of us to see the message typed out. I forgot to send it, I bit my bottom lip before looking back up with a smile on my face.

"Funny story. I forgot to send the message, but I typed it out." I slowly replied while unclicking the seat belt and placing my feet on the ground.

"You didn't answer my calls." He added while I watched his jaw clench together and his eyebrows furrow.

"To be fair I didn't know, my phone was on silent." I quickly replied while forcing the smile on my face to stay. I heard Osamu let out a sigh before hearing the car turn off.

"Oi, he needs to tell ya something and has been avoiding it. So, get out of my car and go tell him." Osamu stated while lighty shoving my back forward. I quickly shot him a glare before getting out of the car.
    "Thanks for dropping him off, see you later." Omi said while closing the door and grabbing my forearm. As soon as he shut the car door he dragged me inside and shut the front door behind us.

    "What do you need to tell me that made you rush off like that?" Omi asked while grabbing my hands and making eye contact with me. I felt the butterflies in my stomach and something else started to rise up my throat.

    "Ya know Omi I don't think it's important." I quickly said while turning away and walking towards the bedroom.

    "Tsumu!" I heard him yell and heard footsteps quickly following after me.

"Uh it's omega stuff so it doesn't concern you at all Omi!" I quickly yelled back while shutting the door and locking it. After I made sure the door was locked I quickly went into the closet and started sticking my hands in my shoes. I heard something slam against the door and then a loud bang.

"Open the door. And since when did I not need to know things like that about you?" I heard Omi slightly yell while continuing to hit or slam or do something to the door.

"It's a secret!" I replied while sitting down before finally feeling the slim straight stick.

"When did we start keeping secrets?" I heard him angrily ask before hearing a louder bang that caused me to jump up and placed my hand over my heart. I heard rushed footsteps before feeling some strong wrap around me and pull me flush against something solid. I quickly slid the object up the sleeve of my shirt.

"You don't need to hold me so tight." I mumbled out while crossing my arms.

"Yea, and let you run away again." He sighed out while placing his head on my shoulder and gently rubbing his nose against my neck. I felt his soft lips gently press against my mating mark causing me to let out a small gasp before heat rushed to my cheeks.

"What are you doing?" I quickly asked while looking at him from the corner of my eyes.

"Calming you down." I heard him mumble before he slowly started to rub his hands around in a small circular pattern.

I felt his head move slightly before one of his hands left my stomach and to my arm. I quickly pulled my arm away. I heard a low grunt growlish sound from him as he grabbed my arm.
"What are you hiding?" I heard him ask before I quickly turned my head to the side and buried my head into his neck. I felt his hand slowly move down my arm causing the object to fall down with it. As soon as it hit the back of my hand I felt it be pulled away. I heard a gasp leave his mouth as my eyes squeezed shut. I suddenly felt his arms tighten around me and something warm was placed on top of my head.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I heard him softly ask before turning me around in his lap to face him.

"Ya'r not mad?" I asked while slowly looking up at him. I watched a small smile form on his lips.

"Why would I be mad?" He asked while placing his forehead against mine.

"I don't know, maybe you didn't want kids." I replied while starting to play with my hands.

"I don't like kids because they are germ magnets but I would never be mad at you over something like this. Besides just because I don't like other kids doesn't mean I won't like ours. Plus for some odd reason this makes me happy." Omi stated while slowly rubbing his thumb across my cheek. I slowly reached forward and connected our lips together.

"You realise I haven't showered right and I went to Samu's?" I asked while pulling away and raising my eyebrow.

"Let's go shower." He said while slowly standing up and pulling me up with him.

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