Iwaoi Adopted Family AU

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    "Dad! Papa is going to burn the house down!" I heard Tobio yell out while I was moving the uncooked eggs around with a spatula. I felt my jaw tick before I turned around to see him sitting at the table. I quickly shot him a glare before hearing footsteps coming down the stairs. I quickly turned back around and went back to making breakfast.

"What's the occasion?" I heard Iwa ask. I turned my head towards him with a smile before focusing back on the eggs.

"Us buying a new house." I heard Tobio mumble out while Iwa busted out laughing. I quickly turned around and placed my hands on my hips.

"I am not a bad cook!" I stated while crossing my arms and slightly glaring towards the both of them.

"The eggs are smoking!" Tobio nearly yelled while pointing over towards the stove.

"Shit!" I quickly replied while moving the pan off the sink and placing it in the sink.

"Papa said a bad word!" I heard Tobio say smugly before I felt a slap to the back of my head.

"OW!" I whined while quickly rubbing the back of my head and glaring towards the traitors.

"Go sit down, I'll make breakfast." Iwa said while shoving me away from the kitchen and off towards the table with Tobio.  I saw a smirk on his face and quickly stuck out my tongue towards him. I heard Iwa sigh before I went over and sat next to him. I felt a tug at the bottom of my shirt and turned toward Tobio who had a nervous look on his face.

"What is it?" I asked while picking him up and placing him in my lap. I watched him reach his hands forward before gripping more onto my shirt. I felt his body weight fall against me as his hands held onto the sides of my torso.

"Are you leaving again? Last time you tried to make breakfast you left." I heard Tobio say as I quickly wrapped my arms around him. "You said you were done playing far away." Tobio continued while I felt something wet start to soak through my shirt.

"I'm not going to go play far away." I said while rubbing my hands up and down his back. "I'll tell you what's going on with your dad after breakfast okay?" I said while starting to run my hands through his hair. I felt his head nod against me before seeing Iwa walking over and setting down plates of food. I watched his eyebrows furrow together before his eyes widened.

"What's going on?" He asked while setting the plates down and placing his hand on his hip while staring at me. I quickly pointed my head down towards Tobio before glaring at him.

"After breakfast." I stated while wrapping one of my arms around Tobio before reaching forward and pulling Tobio and mines plate towards us. I heard the chair be pulled back before scooting forward. We all quickly started eating in silence. After a few minutes I saw that Iwa and Tobio's plates were empty.

"What is it?" Tobio asked while placing his hand on my cheek and staring up at me. I quickly bit down on my bottom lip and nodded my head.

"I'll be leaving for a week." I stated while quickly going back to picking at my eggs.

"Only a week?" I heard Tobio ask with an excited tone. I nodded my head towards him with a smile across my face.

"Why?" I heard Iwa ask as I looked up to see him staring at me. I quickly looked back towards my plate and took a deep breath.

"The assistant coach of my old team passed away, so I'll be attending his funeral. And helping coach for that week." I said while quickly looking back behind me to see that the dishes were already washed and drying. Damn it! I was going to do them to help get me out of trouble. I felt my shirt being tugged and quickly looked back down.

"Can I go with you?" Tobio asked with wide eyes as he kept tugging on my shirt.

"I don't know we would have to ask Suga-san and your dad." I stated while looking up to see Iwa standing up and walking away.

"Where is he going?" I heard Tobio ask while looking in the direction that he walked off to.

"I don't know." I replied before watching him come back and sit down next to me with a laptop. I watched him sit the laptop on the table and open it before typing something in.

"What are you doing?" Tobio asked while trying to lean over and see.

"Hold on." Iwa mumbled before turning the computer around and showing us. The computer had plane ticket prices pulled up. "What days do we need tickets?" He asked before turning the computer back towards him.

"We get to go!" Tobio happily said while raising his hands in the air and jumping out of my lap. Before running off towards the stairs.

"What about your work?" I asked while leaning over and placing my head on his shoulder.

"I have a bunch of personal days saved up, this won't hurt me." He replied while scrolling through the page. I leaned forward and quickly kissed his cheek before placing my head back on his shoulder.

"I think Suga will be cool with Tobio missing a week, I can just go and get the work for the week and take it with us." I said while pointing towards a flight that matched the day we should leave.

"And I'll be the one to help him with his work." Iwa stated while looking up flights that matched the day.

"Oh! I could take Tobio with me to practice. He would enjoy watching them practice." I quickly said while jumping up slightly. "Sorry, Iwa but you won't be able to come." I snickered out while hiding my face in his neck.

"If you hurt yourself at practice trying to demonstrate or just to help them scrimmage or something I swear." Iwa stated while making direct eye contact with me with a serious face.

"Relax, Iwa I don't have to worry about that. It's the perks of marrying an athletic trainer." I replied while being shot a death glare and quickly shrinking back some.

"I hope Tobio's a spiker just for that." Iwa said while smirking towards me. I felt my eyes widen before a gasp left my lips.

"He's going to be a setter, have you seen his hands!" I nearly shouted back while crossing my arms.

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