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Chuuya walks out of the office, anger clear on his face. I am not working with that good for nothing, son of a bitch, fucktard, asshat, bandage wasting device, undeserving shit goblin. Chuuya thinks as he opens a window and steps out, marching on the side of the building to avoid people. He steps so hard on the side of the building that he leaves little cracks on the walls. Stomping on the building, the ginger is so blinded by anger that he doesn't even notice the beautiful view in front of him or the gentle breeze drifting by. Chuuya stomps past multiple floors and every so often he catches people looking at him from out the windows but he ignores them and heads down to his office.

Reaching the floor his office is on, he opens the window to his office and steps in, closing the window behind him with a slam.

Akutagawa was standing in the office waiting for Chuuya to come back so he could speak with him. Chuuya was too tunnel-visioned to see Akutagawa there so he just walks past him as he goes to sit in his chair.

"Chuuya-san," Akutagawa says, trying to get the executive's attention.

"Holy mother of fucks and shits," Chuuya startles, having not realized that Akutagawa was there, "What the fuck, you scared the living shit outta me."

"I apologize for scaring you Chuuya-san. I wanted to speak to you."

"Ok Akutagawa, what's up? What do you need?" Chuuya asks while he settles down into his chair, gesturing for Akutagawa to take a chair too. The ginger calms himself down, turning his focus to his subordinate.

"Have you heard of the news Chuuya-san?" Akutagawa asks.

"What news?"

"About the ADA," And with this Chuuya's mood turns sour.

"Oh fuck yes, I've heard the godawful news," Chuuya replies, scowling out the window, "I'm gonna have to see that fucking moron again."

"Yes, that is what I wanted to talk to you about," Akutagawa starts, "I do not want to have to work with or interact with Jinko, can you be able to talk to the boss and stop this?"

"I'm sorry Akutagawa but no, the Boss only would have done this if it benefited the Port Mafia in some way, there's nothing I can do about it now but you have no idea how much I want to."

"Ah, I see, well thank you anyway," Akutagawa gets up from his chair and starts to leave, only pausing as the ginger calls out to him.

"Hey, don't worry about it Akutagawa. I'm sure that we'll be done with this soon."

"Hopefully," The black-haired mafioso takes his leave and closes the door behind him, leaving Chuuya to himself.

Chuuya sits up and decides he wants wine. The ginger rolls his rolly chair over to the cabinet where he usually keeps his wine but finds that he's out. Goddammit, now I'm gonna have to walk. Ugh.

The executive then gets up from his chair and heads down to the kitchen, not in the best of moods at the moment.

Reaching the kitchen, he starts to rummage through the cabinets, trying to find the wine.

"Where the fuck is the wine?!" Chuuya mumbles angrily. He looks through the fridge and finds a couple bottles at the top. The poor small executive was a little too short to reach them so he was jumping up and down to reach the bottles. Having no luck, he realizes he could use his ability and he floats himself up higher. Grabbing the bottles, Chuuya drops down and turns around.

To his surprise, he sees Akutagawa behind him, silently laughing at him as anyone would (I mean come on this would be hilarious).

"Don't laugh at me shitface," Chuuya starts angrily before getting really quiet and heading back up to his office. This scene would always happen between Dazai and him, well with Dazai being Dazai, he would make a bigger deal of it but still. Every so often, the ginger still had little flashbacks of the times he shared with Dazai, turning him silent and downcast.

He changes direction, deciding to go home. The ginger is too out of it right now and he has no more paperwork to do for the time being anyway so why not. Sending a quick text to the boss, Chuuya gets permission to go home and that's exactly what he does.

The executive is walking home, taking the wine bottles with him because why not, it's not like anyone else really drinks wine besides him in the mafia. As he's walking, Chuuya talks to himself, trying to sort all his thoughts because of everything that has happened. Chuuya starts to feel small drops on his cheeks as he thinks about his ex-partner. It's not easy to forget someone who has been with you for years and brought meaning into your life. "Fuckkkkkkkkk. I can't think about this now."

The ginger turns a corner on the way to his house, running into a certain someone.

"Oh no! It's a chibi! Did I knock the chibi over?" Dazai exclaims in his usual fanatics as the two bump into each other and the ginger trips.

Luckily, Chuuya activates his ability on reflex and he floats back to a standing position, to which he deactivated his gravity manipulation and checks over his wine bottles, making sure they are ok.

"The hat rack has his reflexes sharp as ever, I see," Dazai comments, making sure to tease Chuuya in his horrible taste in hats.

"..." Chuuya just looks away, not wanting to talk to him as the ginger has gone through an emotionally eventful day.

Dazai looks at Chuuya, surprise lightly showing on his face. He gently lifts the ginger's chin, studying his face for something.

With this contact, Chuuya is broken out of his little unresponsive spell and starts to get angry. He slaps away Dazai's hands not wanting his disgusting touch on him.

"You motherfucker, I can't believe I'm gonna have to work with you again," Chuuya spits out at Dazai, glaring at him as ferociously as possible. If looks could kill, Chuuya's glare would have made Dazai wish he couldn't feel pain. "I don't want to ever see your shitty, mackerel-looking, disgusting face again."

With this, the executive grabs his hat from the ground (as he sadly forgot to save it from his fall) and places it on his head, continuing his route to his apartment.

Dazai watches as Chuuya leaves, "Bye bye Slug, see you later!!" He cries out in his falsely cheerful voice. 

Hi, I'm really sorry about the delay as I haven't posted for like two weeks. I made this chap extra long so hope you enjoyed. ^^ 

- Phia

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