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When Tae sat down, his father looked at his wife and she gave him a worrisome smile. But he is sure he is making the right decision. So he stood up to continue his talk with Tae.

"Now that you have met, I think you should know that Seokjin here is who we have in mind for your betrothed."

Seokjin looks down nervously at his plate setting, not sure what Tae will say.

Tae seems stumped and is in a daze looking at Seokjin.

His mother reaches her hand out to grab his hand and asks, "Tae-ah, what do you think?"

Tae finally snaps out of it and turns to his parents.


"Seokjin is who we have arranged for you to marry. Once you marry, you will move into the home we have picked out for you. And you will begin your position as CEO at the company."

Tae looks at Jin and asks,"And what do you think about this Seokjin? Marrying someone you just met."

Jin then nervously spoke, "At first I was just like you. Confused and unsure why. But your parents explained to me that they want you to be happily married and start a family. I know they are good people from what my aunt has spoken of them. And I know it may seem weird to you, but I don't find it all that strange.

People have had arranged marriages for centuries and they are still going on today. I have no qualms marrying someone as highly respected as you.

And though you may not have any feelings for me right now, I promise I will try my best to make you happy."

Tae couldn't believe what he was hearing. This stranger, who he just met. Is fine with getting married to him. A perfect stranger to him as well.

"So you're doing this out of gratitude to my parents?" He asked Jin.

"No, I don't look at it that way. Maybe because I don't know much of how the world works. Growing up sheltered in my family. But I think that alot of arranged marriages tend to last longer than regular marriages."

Tae is confused by what he's feeling. He should be angry and refusing to even listen to another word. But instead he stares at his supposed groom to be. Still enthralled by his beauty.

"Taehyung, why don't you and Seokjin go enjoy a walk in the garden? You can both have a talk and see how things go between you." Tae's father tells him.

Tae sees Jin begin to stand and then smile at his aunt. So he also stands and they both walk away awkwardly.

For a split second, Tae thought about shouting out, "No! This is ridiculous. How can anyone of you be ok with us getting married?"

But then he looked over at Jin and he was smiling so sweetly. And those same fireworks he felt before were causing a ruckus in his chest again.

He begins to wonder if maybe he's some sort of witch and he put him under a spell. Whatever it is, he continues to walk out alongside him.

Once they stood outside, they walked slowly around the large backyard. Jin loved being back here. He spent many hours since he's first moved in helping the gardener.

He reaches out to touch some of the large pink roses.

"Is there anything you'd like to ask me?" He asks Tae.

Tae knows now's as good as ever. So he nods and says, "Yeah, I guess I'm just really confused about the whole situation. It's just not something I ever imagined my parents to do.

And no offense to you. Cause I don't know you, and you seem like a decent guy. But how can you be ok with it?

Don't you have plans or dreams of your own? I mean, your aunt told me that you are in college now. What are your plans for your future?

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