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(Another one of my entries for Aditi's ❄️ TaeJincember ❄️ book. ☺️)

Seoul, South Korea

The brand new Bugatti Chiron pulls up to the front of the large, secluded mansion.

When the driver side door opens, a very dapper and handsome young man exits. He smooths out his suit and walks towards the front door.

He knocks and a butler opens the door and he smiles widely at him. "Mr. Wan, it's so good to see you."

The butler smiles just as wide and opens his arms for a hug.

"Taehyung-ah! What a nice surprise. Your parents didn't expect you until next week. They will be upset to miss you."

"I know, I wanted to surprise everyone. Where are they?"

They both make their way inside and see an older maid walk in. She also smiles happily once she sees him.

"Ah Taehyung-ah! You are early!" And she nearly bulldozes into him. He chuckles as he's being hugged tightly.

"I am early Mrs. Geum. I just wanted to surprise everyone. Surprise!"

"That is wonderful.. but I'm afraid that since your parents didn't expect you til next week. They are on their own trip. But don't worry, they should be back by morning."

"What? They're not here? I guess I should've answered eomma's calls last week."

"Yes, she was probably letting you know about their trip. Your mother didn't want to go, but your father insisted. He said she needed to relax. And you know how much he loves her. They are still like two teenagers in love."

Taehyung playfully rolls his eyes and says, "Yes, I know. They're sickening. I mean who falls in love like that nowadays?"

"Oh hush Taehyung-ah, it is a wonderful feeling to be in love and be loved in return. My husband and I will celebrate nearly 30 years together next month." She replies.

He side hugs her and kisses her cheek. "I'm sorry. I don't mean anything by it. In fact I'm currently in love. And if all goes according to plan, she could be the future Mrs. Kim Taehyung."

Mr. Wan and Mrs. Geum turn to look at each other nervously and quickly look away.

"Why don't you go get settled in your room. Everything is still as you left it. Is there anything special you would like for me to make you to eat?" Mrs. Geum asks.

"No, don't bother. I am going to meet my girlfriend for an early dinner. For now I will just take a quick nap. Thanks."

"Very well, just call down to the kitchen if you change your mind. There's only one other girl working today besides us. Your mother let the others take a few days off until they return."

"Oh? Why didn't she let you?" He asks.

"She tried to, but I told her that someone needed to stay behind to keep things in order. I will get a couple of days off when they return."

"Oh, ok.. well please don't worry about me. I will be gone after a while and come home late."

"Very well.. we will be around."

Taehyung walks up the stairs and pushes the double doors that lead to his room. He walks through the the lounge area with the large TV and moves towards the large bathroom.

He takes a shower and walks out with a towel around his waist. He stands at the sink and lathers his face with shaving cream and shaves his face smooth.

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