author's note

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Hey everyone (or the few people that might actually read this book), I promise I'm not going to be one of those authors who has more author notes than actual chapters in the story but I wanted to explain a few things for a couple reasons but mainly because I'm sure that not everyone who is reading this book is from where I'm from. I am going to divide this authors notes into different parts just for organization purposes, so as annoying as these notes are I ask you at least read this one so you understand my story slightly better.

𝔰𝔠𝔥𝔬𝔬𝔩 𝔦𝔫𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔪𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫

𝔸: I am from Canada, so our schools work differently than American (and other) schools, and I am well aware that some of you might be confused about the timetable. We (or at least my school) has four blocks a day, one-hour-thirty-minutes per period (block), and every Tuesday and Thursday our classes swap up for some strange reason. So for each half of the day (two periods before lunch, two periods after lunch) they are inverted, which means that they swap. Your first block would take place in your second, and your second would take place in your first, so on so forth.

(EX) Marcie's current schedule
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
1: Science
2: Math
3: Gym
4: E.L.A.

Tuesday, Thursday
2: Math
1: Science
4: E.L.A.
3: Gym

𝔹: At my school (and a fair amount of the school's in my district) cafeteria's are not called "canteens", they are called a "cafeteria" or most commonly a "student centre". So if they say they're going to eat in either of these places in later chapters that's why, they are not going to a different location. Although I will be trying to write 'cafeteria' there might be times that I put down "student centre" instead, its just a force of habit. Another note, at my school we don't have an official 'cafeteria' hot/cold lunch section (god I got shivers from that sentence, the wording sucks, I apologise). We tend to bring our own lunches or walk to the 'Tims', 'Dominos', or 'Papa Johns' a block from our school as they have deals for us with our student ID's. Because of this I don't know if I'll be writing the cafeteria's like this in my story, I am much more comfortable writing about the system at my school so it most likely will follow the way we do.

ℂ: I have based the layout of her current school (we all know that she's going to have to transfer, although I am trying to make this story slightly less cliche, I am not going to remove all elements) on my own (again, familiarity, it just makes it easier to write and helps prevent writers block). These are all classes that me or my friends have this term so I know my way around our school to them so scenes will make more sense and probably be more visual.

I know this might be strange for some people but I wanted to write with a schedule I was the most comfortable with, so I went with one that was familiar to my own. And before anyone asks, yes the physics question in chapter one is correct. I am currently taking physics at the moment so I thought that I would educate others while they were reading my story (mainly so everyone can't say Wattpad is useless), we can learn together! I actually got that question wrong on one of my quizzes so I thought that it would be fun to include (there you go, a random fact about the author).


𝔸: This story contains mentions of violence, homophobia (internalized as well as from outside parties), gender dysphoria, body dysmorphia, eating disorders, and mentions of past self harm. On any chapters in which these are present I will include trigger warnings at the top as I don't want to trigger anyone.

𝔹: I am going to be adressing certain issues I've noticed aren't brought up enough, like corruption in the school system. I will try to add warnings on any parts I think might be possible triggers, but I can't vouch for everyone, so if I haven't included a trigger on something you believe is triggering please let me know.

𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔬𝔪 𝔞𝔫𝔫𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔰/𝔮𝔲𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰

𝔸: Can anyone guess what my schedule is this term? If anyone can, I will give you a shoutout in that chapter I am currently writing at that moment. I have no options this term so it should be easier to guess, I will be starting my new schedule soon so tic tok.

𝔹: Has anyone spotted the fandom refrences in the chapters yet? Just some little easter eggs so you all can get to know me better.

ℂ: This story is best read on dark-mode as I have mine set to that, so any fonts that are trying to be aesthetic may not be on light-mode, I apologise.

𝔻: As I am Canadian I may spell words slightly differently than my other readers, and certain laws are not the same as they are elsewhere (Ex; legal drinking age here is 18).

I hope you all have a wonderful day and if you have any more questions (I know that this currently has 0 reads so no one's asked about this, but I wanted to jump ahead of this) please put them in the comments on this chapter! And please, don't be afraid to comment. I love hearing what people have to say, it was one of my favorite parts of writing stories on my old account.

Lots of love,

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