A scare for life!

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I was so nicely sleeping until the room started to get louder and louder which woke me completely up. I was now in a kitchen exactly where I layed down but ot was really getting annoying. All this noises where comming from the front of the cafeteria.

Me: Mrew!


This is soo loud!

Lunch Rush: Ohh you awake now?

Yeah how could I sleep with that noise?!

Me: Mrew?

Lunch Rush: Did the noises here wake you up?

What is going on here?

Why is it louder than in a zoo?

Os this some kind of pet store or something?

Not even wild animals are behaving like this!

And that is why I hate humans... Well not all of them or I would be a villain not a vigilante.

They are worse than chimpanzees!

Lunch Rush: Sorry I would love to give you something right now but can you wait a little bit.

Thanks but I am not hungry..

You really seem way to overworked!

How can they not wait for food.

I know it's to die for and all but there is no need to fight for it.

Thinking that they are overwhelming the poor guy who gave me some good food, I decided to step in and jump right on the counter next to Lunch Rush.



Seriously what is wrong with you all!

Can't you act like civilised people and not stupid animals going  to get feed?

You have brains! 


The moment I let out a roar everyone screamed and backed away that was when I remembered I still had some blood on my fure and paws. Oh well not as if I killed someone anyways and so I jumped down and started to approach the kids.

Come on!

Get a grip together!

This is just blood!

No need to faint!

Student 1: STAY AWAY!

I never attacked you so calm down!

I just want to get back to my sleep.

Now act nice to Lunch Rush and be civilised!

Another student immediately used their quirk on me but they missed me with their air slash and all I did was pounce at them. 


How dare you attack me?!

All I wanted was to make you stop being so stupid like an animal!

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