A New Beginning

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Earth has been the homeworld of humanity for around three hundred thousand years. During this time humanity has been able to reshape the world to their image, whether it was through cities, agriculture, power plants, mining or simply creating what they call roads. But there has always been one factor that has always reshaped the world and the people, however, no matter how many times they try to stop it, it always comes out. This factor is the human desire for conflict, no matter how many times they try to suppress it, it will always find a way.

During the 21st century, humanity was once again plunged into war. Because of this, a major superpower decided that conventional warfare would be too costly for its citizens and further escalations could lead to a nuclear war, therefore they came to the conclusion that in the digital age an artificial intelligence would be needed to complete render all equipment using digital software under the command of the creator of the AI. In the end, the war was over in less than a month as drones, power planets, and anything the AI could interface with either shut down or turned against them.

The aftermath lead to the decommissioning of the AI and the new governments and laws to be created to ensure that another war would never break out. However, after seeing the terrifying efficiency of an AI other countries started to create their own AI which almost lead to another war, but this time waged through the digital world. But thankfully with the help of all the superpowers on Earth, they were able to prevent a war and was able to form a new government called the "United Earth Government".

With the mass production of AI, it was able to increase the efficiency of any type of work it did, which included the research and development of fusion reactors, powerful ion thrusters and eventually starships or space ships as citizens called them. Soon an expedition was sent to scout and if possible colonise Mars, and soon Mars became a prospering world. However, back on Earth war consumed it once more and this time it didn't matter who had the best AI but instead had control of space as it soon became known that whoever has control of space can just perform orbital bombardments. In the battle known as "uppercut," the last fleet of the UEG stood above the continent of America in a desperate attempt to stop the insurrectionist groups from overthrowing the last bastion of civilised government. However, what the insurrectionist didn't fully grasp was that the battlefield was 3 dimensional and so in their arrogance, they didn't bother to look down on the surface of America to see large weapon platforms being constructed and this weapon is called,

 However, what the insurrectionist didn't fully grasp was that the battlefield was 3 dimensional and so in their arrogance, they didn't bother to look down on the surface of America to see large weapon platforms being constructed and this weapon i...

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This behemoth of a turret was specifically designed to target anything in orbit and take them out in a single strike. Initially weapon was meant to be used to shoot down asteroids and so having 3 barrels to the AI seemed logical to ensure a mission kill the 3 barrels would fire consecutively ensuring the entire destruction of anything it aimed at, even if it was human ships. This turret, or as the AI's call it a railgun emplacement, fires massive depleted Uranium or Tungsten rounds using magnetic fields to accelerate the rounds to ridiculous speeds, while also covering the round in a layer of plasma. This is only possible due to the monumental size of the fusion reactor that recedes below the railgun. And with further advancements in technology coupled with the fusion reactor R&D was able to equip an energy shield called the "Blaze Luminous" around the Railgun emplacement. Sadly this shielding could not be equipped onto smaller objects as the energy needed to use this shield required a fusion reactor impossible to equip onto a ship.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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