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𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝐷𝑟𝑢𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑑

𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝐷𝑟𝑢𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑑

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Minori hates toasters.

She hate's refrigerators.

And fucking oven's fuck ovens.

This guy prances around with Wanda under his stupid skillet arm and it's annoying, not because Minori likes the redhead or anything like that if you were to ask, she'd deny.

She still fucking hate's toasters.

The tower was in a state of chaos, why; because Minori keeps throwing all metal appliances away, if they're not in the trash their hidden away from everyone else.

Overreaction would be an understatement the girl had gone on a rampage and took a bat to the brand-new toaster they had brought the day after she staged the refrigerator's death.

"God fucking damnit Minori why the fuck are you attacking our household appliances." Bucky asked as he watched Minori throw punches at the coffee maker with her super strength.

"IT STARTED IT." In Minori's head her vendetta against metal household items wasn't to be questioned she hated what she hated and that was it.

"Stupid fucking coffee maker stupid fucking toasters." The toaster's got it the worst sometimes she would buy new ones and make it a very clear coincidence that she was smashing it in front of Vision or as she like to call him ice cum man.

Per Wanda's begging she stopped calling him it out loud but whenever he entered a room it's the first thing she thought.

"Okay Perera this is getting out of hand do you like...have a problem with my boyfriend?" Minori turned to look at Wanda and raised an eyebrow.

"Pffft no why would you think that? I just Really. Hate. Toasters." Minori said the last few words pausing to punch the coffee maker in between them.

"Why would my hate for them have anything to do with your oven?" Bucky slowly backed out of the room and ran away from the kitchen.

"I think your jealous, I think you want my boyfriend and hate that he doesn't want you, Perera."

"I don't want to fuck your goddamn pancake griddle Wanda, I'm a lesbian, vagina's do it for me taco's no going baco, annual scrubbing of sandpapers you know all that good stuff." The redhead only blinked for a while then giggled.

"So, you just really dislike toasters?" she asked tilting her head.
Minori nodded and looked back at the broken coffee maker before pulling out her phone.

"Listen Maximoff I'd love to stay here and talk about humping away at stove tops, but I think I'm going to go make a call."

Minori walked towards her room quickly pulling out her phone and going to speed dial waiting for the person on the other side to pick up.

"Did you kill someone?" The brunette scoffed looking at the phone before rolling her eyes

"Is that the first thing you think I've done when I call you Lem?"

"Yes, actually whenever you call, I run to grab a shovel just in case you need me to bury someone, I also grabbed breath mints in case you're calling to tell me Yelena is irrevocably and undeniable in love with me and she wants to go to Denali." Minori held the bridge of her nose and took a deep breath.

"No she doesn't want to run away and no I didn't kill anyone."

"Oh, that's goo-"

"But I think I might."

"Why would you that my dear dear dear friend?" Minori was seriously considering getting a new friend.

"Because I fucking hate toaster's hate them, I swear if I could choke out a synthezoid I would I swear to god I would take out all his bolts in his sleep how do they even have sex...does he like release oil or some shit."

A laugh sounded from the other end of the phone that made Minori smile.

"Babes I've known you your whole life so I think I know exactly why he aggravates you so much."

"Oh, really why?"

"You totally have a crush on witchy witch you want all up in her Salem trials and you hate that the toaster oven is doing it for her."

"Did you just say all up on her Salem trials; you know what I'm just going to talk to Yel about this."

"Don't give me that look bitch." Minori said looking down at her phone.

"How'd you even know I was giving you a 'look'?"

"I just do"

After hanging up the phone Minori thought about when exactly the problem had started.


Minori and Wanda we're sitting across from each other in the ride having a staring contest when Wanda's attention was taken from her by Vision.

"Wanda my love you we're incredible out there the flip you did was enamoring." Minori mocked him under her breath.

"Who the fuck says enamoring."

She had no idea why the fact that he took Wanda's attention annoyed her so much, but it did and that was enough for her.
She didn't like him.

Fucking toaster with a piece of chalk in his forehead, she thought as she watched the two talks happily.

Pietro from his seat on the other side of Wanda was watching Minori's facial expressions in amusement.

"You okay over there Minori?" he asked watching as her head popped up. Wanda had looked over to see if something was wrong with her.

Minori's eyes were wide as she cleared her throat repeatedly while thinking of an excuse.

"Yeah, I just.....hate toasters."

*FlashBack Over*

She never explained further what she meant by that and after they went home her war against all house hold appliances was waged.

She took bats to refrigerators, she slammed waffle irons into the ground, she stabbed microwave's which sounded better in her head before she did it.

But toasters oh how she had ruined toasters.

She punched them, threw them, tried to choke them (it didn't work), Ran them over, shot missiles at them, dropped them off of extremely tall buildings.

It was easier to say she just hated toasters rather than to admit she actually liked Wanda as a person. That she wanted to get to know the woman maybe even as more than a friend, but she still didn't fully trust her, nor did she have a chance with the fucking toaster in her way.

She knew somewhere in her head she was being unfair to all the other toasters in the world

But did she give a fuck? No

Her new motto is fuck toasters and she doesn't mean the good kind of fuck.

She had quite the few choice words for mister ice cum in her head but she decided against saying them out loud.

Not because Wanda wouldn't want her to, no not that a totally completely different reason.

She just hasn't made the reason up yet.

At the end of the day one thing was true, and it would stay true until she decided it was no longer true.

Minori Perera Fucking Hates Toasters.


𝑺𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑒𝑡'𝑠 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑑 » 𝑾𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎 𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑜𝑓𝑓Where stories live. Discover now