Chapter 8 - I like action

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I didn't cry. I didn't want to cry now, as much as I wanted to. My family is distancing themselves out from me, apart from my Mum, but I have a feeling she will eventually.

My brother is never home, he is always at his friends house. I can't remember the last time we hung out, once he was 18 he decided he was too cool for me, so he just stopped talking and hanging out with me.

My Dad is always working in the office, I never know on what though. He basically lives there. He only comes home to check if everything ok, then he goes back to the office. I never talked with my Dad about normal things, only a "Hey" "Everything ok" "Bye" way. Small talk.

My Mum is the only person I talk to and go to for advice. She disagreed with my marriage with Joe, she was the only person who knew about the bullying he gave me when I was a kid. She always told me I would find someone who loves me for me. Joe just loves me by force and the money my family has. That is not love. I wonder if I can back out of this marriage, run away is my only option. Not like any of my family would care, then again.

My Dad would always find me.


I went downstairs at around 6pm. I needed food, I was also very bored. No one was home.

When I finished eating, I went back upstairs and put some music on the television. Its not like anyone would care if it was up to the last.

I started singing along, again thinking, no one will hear. But I was so wrong.

"You have a nice singing voice".

Startled, I gasped and turned towards the voice, which was Erics. He smirked.

"No not really" I denied, turning off the television.

"Its much nicer than mine". He sits down on the bed, I closed the window he came through careful not to let any breeze in.

"Sing then". I teased, knowing he wouldn't. He shook his head.

"You'll never get me to sing".

"Totally unfair, you heard me sing, so I should hear you" I argued leaning against the wall.

"Nah". I sighed.

"Fine then, whats your plans for tonight, also get changed I don't wanna get caught" I said, only realising he was in his Demon clothes.

"I won't get caught, who is here anyway". Before I could reply to that I heard the front door open and hearing two familiar voices belonging to Jade and Kyle.

"I'm here" Jade sung merrily.

"So am I" Kyle shouted.

We froze. Eric didn't move and I couldn't think. Once I heard footsteps approaching I jumped into action.

"Cupboard" I whisper shouted. He caught on and opened the door with such force I thought it would come off its hinges. He jumped in and groaned in pain. I held in my laugh and quickly shut the door, just as Jade and Kyle walked in.

"Hey guys"

"Hey whats up". Jade asked.

"Oh I'm bored glad your here now".

"I brought movies and food" Kyle said.

"I brought makeup" Jade cheered.

"Great" I lied. I wasn't in the mood for a make up party.

"Makeup really, I don't wanna watch you two play dress up" Kyle whined.

"We need to look pretty while watching movies plus, is Ed coming. I need to look perfect for him". She smoothed a hand through her light brown/blonde hair. Of course she liked Eric.

"What about George" I asked. She shrugged.

"We aren't a couple yet, so I'm still single". I hoped George would ask her to be his girlfriend.

"I'll ask him". I replied, forcing a smile.

"Great I'll just go downstairs and get everything organised" Jade smiled, before running off downstairs.

"You do that". I shouted.

"Whats up with you" Kyle asked, obviously sensing my nervous mood.

"Go get clothes out of my brothers room please"

"Ok why"

"Ugh, Eric you can come out now". I watched Kyles suprised face as Eric walked out, stretching.

"Your closets very cosy". He said.

"Oh thats why, you better be careful, you could get caught" Kyle warned.

"I will man" Eric replied, patting him on the shoulder.

"Kyle go" I said, before Kyle left returning with some clothes.

"Here" He gave Eric the clothes.

He came out a minute later in better fitting clothes.

"At least these fit me a bit better"

"Now go out the window and knock on the door".

"All right all right, have I told you your so demanding sometimes"

I nodded before grabbing Kyles hand and walking downstairs to meet Jade. The door knocked a second later, Jade jumping at the noise.

"Ed nice to see you again". Instead of just a smile and a greeting he wrapped me in an unexpected hug. It made me blush, thankfully he didn't see.

"I know its been ages".

"I don't wanna sit beside Jade for the movie" He whispered to me. That made me smile, knowing he didn't like her.

"Hey, wanna sit with me for the movie". I asked, knowing the answer already.

"Sure" He replied.

"Which movie" Kyle asked. Jade picked a movie which I have seen a hundred times nearly, but I said yes so I could leave halfway.

"Hey I feel sick" I informed everyone. Jade kept watching the movie, waving her hand as if to say, 'stay away'. Kyle bragged about it a bit too much.

"Stay away, I don't wanna get sick" He said, moving away a bit.

"I'll go with you" Eric volunteered before getting up and going upstairs.

"I hate angel movies" I said.

"Too goody goody for you" Eric teased.

"I like action"

"I have some action in my laptop". He informed me. I grinned.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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